
Eduardo Tovar (Publications)

Eduardo Tovar (Publications)

Eduardo Tovar (Publications)

PhD University of Porto, Portugal
Research Centre Director
Professor, Integrated PhD Researcher

Eduardo Tovar is the head of CISTER Research Center.

Eduardo Tovar received the Licentiate, MSc and PhD degrees in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, in 1990, 1995 and 1999, respectively. Currently he his Professor in the Computer Engineering Department at the School of Engineering (ISEP) of Polytechnic Institute of Porto (P.Porto), where he is also engaged in research on real-time distributed systems, wireless sensor networks, multiprocessor systems, cyber-physical systems and industrial communication systems. He heads the CISTER Labs, an internationally renowned research centre focusing on RTD in real-time and embedded computing systems. He is currently the Vice-chair of ACM SIGBED (ACM Special Interest Group on Embedded Computing Systems) and is member of the Executive Committee of the IEEE Technical Committee on Real-Time Systems (TC-RTS). Since 1991 he authored or co-authored more than 200 scientific and technical papers in the area of real-time and embedded computing systems, with emphasis on multiprocessor systems and distributed embedded systems. Eduardo Tovar has been consistently participating in top-rated scientific events as member of the Program Committee, as Program Chair or as General Chair. Notably he has been program chair/co-chair for ECRTS 2005, IEEE RTCSA 2010, IEEE RTAS 2013 or IEEE RTCSA 2016, all in the area of real-time computing systems. He has also been program chair/co-chair of other key scientific events in the area of architectures for computing systems and cyber-physical systems as is the case of ARCS 2014 or the ACM/IEEE ICCPS 2016 or in the area of industrial communications (IEEE WFCS 2014). He has been general chair/co-chair of various scientific events, including the IEEE/ACM CPSWeek 2018. He is currently deeply involved in the core team setting-up a Collaborative (industry-academic) Lab on Cyber-Physical Systems and Cyber-Security Systems.


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Supporting Real-Time Communications with Standard Factory-Floor Networks HURRAY-TR-9917 
Eduardo TovarPhD Thesis. 1, May, 1999. Porto, Portugal.
System and method for operating a follower vehicle in a vehicle platoon CISTER-TR-181203 
Zhiwu Li, Oussama Karoui, Anis Koubâa, Mohamed Khalgui, Emna Guerfala, Eduardo Tovar, Naiqi WuPatent no. US9927816B2
Books & Book Chapters
RosDrive: An Open-source ROS-Based Vehicular Simulator for STEM Control Systems Classes Tutorial CISTER-TR-220201 
Enio Filho, Jones Yudi, Mohamed Abdelkader, Anis Koubâa, Eduardo TovarChapter in "ROS BOOK Vol 7", Springer. 2022.
CopaDrive: an integrated ROS cooperative driving test and validation framework CISTER-TR-201104 
Enio Filho, Ricardo Severino, João Rodrigues, Bruno Gonçalves, Anis Koubâa, Eduardo TovarChapter in "Robot Operating System (ROS) The Complete Reference (Vol 6)", Springer. 2021.
Experiments with XDense: A Dense Grid Sensor Network for Distributed Feature Extraction CISTER-TR-170704 
João Loureiro, Raghu R., Eduardo TovarChapter in "Communications in Computer and Information Science book series (CCIS, volume 702)", Springer International. 12, Jul, 2017, pp 1-22.
Experiments with a Sensing Platform for High Visibility of the Data Center CISTER-TR-131206 
João Loureiro, Nuno Pereira, Pedro José Santos, Eduardo TovarChapter in "Internet of Things Based on Smart Objects", Springer International Publishing. 2014, pp 181-198. Switzerland.
IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee as enabling technologies for low-power wireless systems with quality-of-service constraints CISTER-TR-131103 
Stefano Tennina, Anis Koubâa, Roberta Daidone, Mário Alves, Petr Jurcik, Ricardo Severino, Marco Tiloca, Jan-Hinrich Hauer, Nuno Pereira, Gianluca Dini, Melanie Bouroche, Eduardo TovarSpringer Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. Oct 2013, 97 pages.
The Emerging Domain of Cooperating Objects (CONET Roadmap 2011) CISTER-TR-131108 
Mário Alves, Björn Andersson, Anis Koubâa, Nuno Pereira, Paulo Gandra de Sousa, Eduardo TovarChapter in "The Emerging Domain of Cooperating Objects (CONET Roadmap 2011) 1st Edition", Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 2011. Germany.The CISTER researchers were responsible for Chapter 2. They also organised and contributed to the chapters/sections on non-functional properties: description, state-of-the-art, roadmap and timeline. Section 3.3 Non-Functional Properties (Chapter 3 - State of the Art in Cooperating Object Research): pp. 61-73; Section 6. 3 Non-Functional Properties (Chapter 6 - Research Roadmap): pp. 204-213.
IEEE 802.15.4: a Federating Communication Protocol for Time-Sensitive Wireless Sensor Networks HURRAY-TR-060202 
Anis Koubâa, Mário Alves, Eduardo TovarChapter in "Sensor Networks and Configurations: Fundamentals, Techniques, Platforms, and Experiments", Springer-Verlag. Jan 2007, pp 19-49. Germany.
IEEE 802.15.4: a Federating Communication Protocol for Time-Sensitive Wireless Sensor Networks CISTER-TR-131110 
Anis Koubâa, Mário Alves, Eduardo TovarChapter in "Sensor Networks and Configurations: Fundamentals, Techniques, Platforms, and Experiments", Springer. Nov 2006, pp 19-49.
Journal Papers
Energy Savings and Emissions Reduction of BEVs at an Isolated Complex Intersection CISTER-TR-240901 
Radha Reddy, Luís Almeida, Pedro Miguel Santos, Harrison Kurunathan, Eduardo TovarTransportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment (TRD), Elsevier. Nov 2024.
Fusion Flow-enhanced Graph Pooling Residual Networks for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Surveillance in Day and Night Dual Visions CISTER-TR-240701 
Alam Noor, Kai Li, Eduardo Tovar, Pei Zhang, Bo WeiEngineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (EAAI), Elsevier. 18, Jul, 2024, Volume 136, Issue 108959.
DRL-KeyAgree: An Intelligent Combinatorial Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Vehicular Platooning Secret Key Generation CISTER-TR-240508 
Harrison Kurunathan, Kai Li, Eduardo Tovar, Alípio Mario Jorge, Wei Ni, Abbas JamalipourIEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (T-ITS), IEEE. 2024.
Worst-Case Response Time of Mixed Vehicles at Complex Intersections CISTER-TR-240202 
Radha Reddy, Luís Almeida, Harrison Kurunathan, Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Pedro Miguel Santos, Eduardo TovarOpen Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE OJ ITS), IEEE. 2024.
Sheep health behavior analysis in machine learning: A short comprehensive survey CISTER-TR-231102 
Alam Noor, Murray J. Corke, Eduardo TovarSmart Agricultural Technology (SAT), Elsevier. 21, Nov, 2023, Volume 6, pp 100366.
A Drone Secure Handover Architecture validated in a Software in the Loop Environment CISTER-TR-230604 
Enio Filho, Filipe Gomes, Stéphane Monteiro, Sérgio Penna, Anis Koubâa, Eduardo TovarJournal of Physics: Conference Series (Journal of Physics), Article No 1, IOP Publishing. 29, Jun, 2023, Volume 2526, pp 8.
Cooperative Vehicular Platooning: A Multi-Dimensional Survey Towards Enhanced Safety, Security and Validation CISTER-TR-230501 
Enio Filho, Pedro Miguel Santos, Anis Koubâa, Eduardo TovarTCYB-Cyber-Physical Systems (Cyber-Physical Systems), Taylor Francis. 20, May, 2023, Volume 9.
Synchronous Management of Mixed Traffic at Signalized Intersections towards Sustainable Road Transportation CISTER-TR-230502 
Radha Reddy, Luís Almeida, Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Pedro Miguel Santos, Eduardo TovarACCESS (IEEE ACCESS), IEEE. 2023.
Schedulability Analysis for 3-Phase Tasks with Partitioned Fixed-Priority Scheduling CISTER-TR-220801 
Jatin Arora, Cláudio Maia, Syed Aftab Rashid, Geoffrey Nelissen, Eduardo TovarJournal of Systems Architecture (JSA), Elsevier. Oct 2022.
Bus-Contention Aware WCRT Analysis for the 3-Phase Task Model Considering a Work-Conserving Bus Arbitration Scheme CISTER-TR-211004 
Jatin Arora, Cláudio Maia, Syed Aftab Rashid, Geoffrey Nelissen, Eduardo TovarJournal of Systems Architecture (JSA), Elsevier. 2022. (Best Paper of ICESS 2021) (ICESS 2021). 13 to 14, Jan, 2022, Volume Technical Session. Virtual, Australia.
Improving the Performance of Cooperative Platooning with Restricted Message Trigger Thresholds CISTER-TR-220402 
Enio Filho, Pedro Miguel Santos, Ricardo Severino, Anis Koubâa, Eduardo TovarIEEE ACCESS (IEEE ACCESS), IEEE. 2022, pp 1-14.
Exploring Deep Reinforcement Learning-Assisted Federated Learning for Online Resource Allocation in Privacy-Preserving EdgeIoT CISTER-TR-220503 
Jingjing Zheng, Kai Li, Wei Ni, Eduardo Tovar, Mohsen Guizani, Naram MhaisenIEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoTJ), IEEE. 2022.
Response time analysis of Multiframe mixed criticality systems with arbitrary deadlines CISTER-TR-200603 
Ishfaq Hussain, Muhammad Ali Awan, Pedro F. Souto, Konstantinos Bletsas, Benny Åkesson, Eduardo TovarReal-Time Systems, Springer. Apr 2021, Volume 57, pp 141-189.
A Comprehensive Worst Case Bounds Analysis of IEEE 802.15.7 CISTER-TR-210303 
Harrison Kurunathan, Ricardo Severino, Eduardo TovarJournal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, Article No 23, MDPI. 26, Mar, 2021, Volume 10, Issue 2, pp 1-20.
Online Velocity Control and Data Capture of Drones for the Internet-of-Things: An Onboard Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach CISTER-TR-201106 
Kai Li, Wei Ni, Eduardo Tovar, Abbas JamalipourIEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, IEEE. Mar 2021, Volume 16, Issue 1, pp 49-56.
BloothAir: A Secure Aerial Relay System Using Bluetooth Connected Autonomous Drones CISTER-TR-210202 
Kai Li, Ning Lu, Jingjing Zheng, Pei Zhang, Wei Ni, Eduardo TovarACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems (TCPS), ACM. 9, Feb, 2021.In press.
Synchronous Intersection Management to reduce Time Loss CISTER-TR-210207 
Radha Reddy, Luís Almeida, Pedro Miguel Santos, Samia Bouzefrane, Eduardo TovarTransportation Research Procedia, Elsevier. 3, Feb, 2021, Volume 52, Issue 2021, pp 364-372.Proceedings of the 23rd EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting (EWGT 2020).
Confidentiality and Timeliness of Data Dissemination in Platoon-based Vehicular Cyber-Physical Systems CISTER-TR-210402 
Kai Li, Wei Ni, Jingjing Zheng, Eduardo Tovar, Mohsen GuizaniIEEE Network (NET-M), IEEE. 2021.In press
Joint Communication Scheduling and Velocity Control in Multi-UAV-Assisted Sensor Networks: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach CISTER-TR-210903 
Yousef Emami, Bo Wei, Kai Li, Wei Ni, Eduardo TovarIEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology (TVT), IEEE. 2021.
The DEWI High-Level Architecture: Wireless Sensor Networks in Industrial Applications CISTER-TR-210904 
Ramiro Robles, Tomas Nordström, Kristina Kunert, Salvador Santonja, Mikko Himanka, Markus Liuska, Michael Karner, Eduardo Tovartechnologies (technologies), MDPI. 2021.
Onboard Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients for Online Flight Resource Allocation of UAVs CISTER-TR-200602 
Kai Li, Yousef Emami, Wei Ni, Eduardo Tovar, Zhu HanIEEE Networking Letters, IEEE. 1, Sep, 2020, Volume 2, Issue 3, pp 106-110.
Joint Flight Cruise Control and Data Collection in UAV-aided Internet of Things: An Onboard Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach CISTER-TR-200901 
Kai Li, Wei Ni, Eduardo Tovar, Mohsen GuizaniIEEE Internet of Things Journal, IEEE. 24, Aug, 2020.Early Access Article
Onboard Double Q-learning for Airborne Data Capture in Wireless Powered IoT Networks CISTER-TR-200402 
Kai Li, Wei Ni, Eduardo TovarIEEE Networking Letters, IEEE. 21, Apr, 2020, Volume 2, Issue 2, pp 71-75.
Optimal Rate-Adaptive Data Dissemination in Vehicular Platoons CISTER-TR-190909 
Kai Li, Wei Ni, Eduardo Tovar, Mohsen GuizaniIEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE. 2020, Volume 21, Issue 10, pp 4241-4251.
DynaMO: dynamically tuning DSME networks CISTER-TR-200113 
Harrison Kurunathan, Ricardo Severino, Anis Koubâa, Eduardo TovarACM Sigbed Review, ACM. Dec 2019, Volume 16, Issue 4, pp 8-13.Special Issue on International Workshop on Real-Time Networks (RTN 19).
Symphony: routing aware scheduling for DSME networks CISTER-TR-200114 
Harrison Kurunathan, Ricardo Severino, Anis Koubâa, Eduardo TovarACM Sigbed Review, ACM. Dec 2019, Volume 16, Issue 4, pp 26-31.Special Issue on International Workshop on Real-Time Networks (RTN 19).
Design and Implementation of Secret Key Agreement for Platoon-based Vehicular Cyber-physical Systems CISTER-TR-191103 
Kai Li, Wei Ni, Yousef Emami, Yiran Shen, Ricardo Severino, David Pereira, Eduardo TovarACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems, Article No 22, ACM. 22, Nov, 2019, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp 22:1-22:20.
Techniques and Analysis for Mixed-criticality Scheduling with Mode-dependent Server Execution Budgets CISTER-TR-200115 
Muhammad Ali Awan, Konstantinos Bletsas, Pedro F. Souto, Benny Åkesson, Eduardo TovarACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), Article No 109, ACM. Oct 2019, Volume 18, Issue 5s, pp 109:1-109:23.This article appears as part of the ESWEEK-TECS special issue and was presented at the International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT) 2019.
Extensive Analysis of a Real-Time Dense Wired Sensor Network Based on Traffic Shaping CISTER-TR-190710 
João Loureiro, Raghu R., Borislav Nikolic, Leandro Soares Indrusiak, Eduardo TovarACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems (TCPS), Article No 27, ACM New York, NY, USA. 1, Aug, 2019, Volume 3, Issue 3, pp 27:1-27:27.
Secret Key Agreement for Data Dissemination in Vehicular Platoons CISTER-TR-190703 
Kai Li, Lingyun Lu, Wei Ni, Eduardo Tovar, Mohsen GuizaniIEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE. 2, Jul, 2019, Volume 68, Issue 9, pp 9060-9073.
Uneven memory regulation for scheduling IMA applications on multi-core platforms CISTER-TR-181131 
Muhammad Ali Awan, Pedro Souto, Benny Åkesson, Konstantinos Bletsas, Eduardo TovarReal-Time Systems, Springer. Apr 2019, Volume 55, Issue 2, pp 248-292.
Eavesdropping and Jamming Selection Policy for Suspicious UAVs Based on Low Power Consumption over Fading Channels CISTER-TR-190302 
Xiaoming Wang, Demin Li, Chang Guo, Xiaolu Zhang, Salil S. Kanhere, Kai Li, Eduardo TovarSensors, Article No 1126, MDPI. 5, Mar, 2019, Volume 19, Issue 5, pp 1-18.This article belongs to the Special Issue Low Energy Wireless Sensor Networks: Protocols, Architectures and Solutions.
Energy Efficient Legitimate Wireless Surveillance of UAV Communications CISTER-TR-190103 
Kai Li, Razvan Christian Voicu, Salil S. Kanhere, Wei Ni, Eduardo TovarIEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT), IEEE. 4, Jan, 2019, Volume 68, Issue 3, pp 2283-2293.
Dronemap Planner: A service-oriented cloud-based management system for the Internet-of-Drones CISTER-TR-190401 
Anis Koubâa, Basit Qureshi, Mohamed-Foued Sriti, Azza Allouch, Yasir Javed, Maram Alajlan, Omar Cheikhrouhou, Mohamed Khalgui, Eduardo TovarAd Hoc Networks, Elsevier. 2019, Volume 86, Issue 2019, pp 46-62.
Reinforcement Learning for Scheduling Wireless Powered Sensor Communications CISTER-TR-181116 
Kai Li, Wei Ni, Mehran Abolhasan, Eduardo TovarIEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, IEEE. 2019, Volume 3, Issue 2, pp 264-274.
DynaMO - Dynamic Multisuperframe Tuning for Adaptive IEEE 802.15. 4e DSME Networks CISTER-TR-190801 
Harrison Kurunathan, Ricardo Severino, Anis Koubâa, Eduardo TovarIEEE Access, IEEE. 2019, Volume 7, pp 122522-122535.
On-board Deep Q-Network for UAV-assisted Online Power Transfer and Data Collection CISTER-TR-191003 
Kai Li, Wei Ni, Eduardo Tovar, Abbas JamalipourIEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE. 2019, Volume 68, Issue 12, pp 12215-12226.
UAV-enabled healthcare architecture: Issues and challenges CISTER-TR-190622 
Sana Ullah, Ki-Il Kim, Kyong Hoon Kim, Muhammad Imran, Pervez Khan, Eduardo Tovar, Farman AliFuture Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier. 2019, Volume 97, pp 425-432.
An industrial view on the common academic understanding of mixed-criticality systems CISTER-TR-180810 
Alexandre Esper, Geoffrey Nelissen, Vincent Nélis, Eduardo TovarReal-Time Systems, Springer. Jul 2018, Volume 54, Issue 3, pp 745-795.
IEEE 802.15.4e in a Nutshell: Survey and Performance Evaluation CISTER-TR-180203 
Harrison Kurunathan, Ricardo Severino, Anis Koubâa, Eduardo TovarIEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials (COMST. 2018), IEEE. 1, Feb, 2018, Volume 20, Issue 3, pp 1989-2010.
Active Flow Control using Dense Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks CISTER-TR-180507 
Ramiro Robles, Júlio C. Viana, João Loureiro, João Cintra, André Rocha, Eduardo TovarMicroprocessors and Microsystems: Embedded Hardware Design (MICPRO), Elsevier. 2018, Volume 61, pp 279-295.
Performance Analysis of Priority-Based IEEE 802.15.6 Protocol in Saturated Traffic Conditions CISTER-TR-181117 
Sana Ullah, Eduardo Tovar, Ki-Il Kim, Kyong Hoon Kim, Muhammad ImranIEEE Access, IEEE. 2018, Volume 6, pp 66198-66209.
Worst-case Stall Analysis for Multicore Architectures with Two Memory Controllers (Artifact) CISTER-TR-181107 
Muhammad Ali Awan, Pedro Souto, Konstantinos Bletsas, Benny Åkesson, Eduardo TovarDagstuhl Artifacts Series (DARTS), Article No 5, Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik. 2018, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp 5:1-5:3.
Introduction to the Selected Papers from ICCPS 2016 CISTER-TR-181112 
Eduardo Tovar, Sonia MartinezACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems - Special Issue on ICCPS 2016 (ACM TCPS), Article No 1e, ACM. 2018, Volume 2, Issue 1.
Dual Mode for Vehicular Platoon Safety: Simulation and Formal Verification CISTER-TR-170307 
Oussama Karoui, Mohamed Khalgui, Anis Koubâa, Emna Guerfala, Zhiwu Li, Eduardo TovarInformation Sciences, Elsevier. Sep 2017, Volume 402, pp 216-232.
Performance Analysis of MRC Receivers with Adaptive Modulation and Coding in Rayleigh Fading Correlated Channels with Imperfect CSIT CISTER-TR-161102 
Ramiro Robles, Egons Lavendelis, Eduardo TovarWireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Article No 6940368, Hindawi. Jan 2017, Volume 2016, pp 1-12.
Performance Evaluation of Vehicular Platoons using Webots CISTER-TR-170510 
Oussama Karoui, Emna Guerfala, Anis Koubâa, Mohamed Khalgui, Eduardo Tovar, Naiqi Wu, Abdulrahman Al-Ahmari, Zhiwu LiIET Intelligent Transport Systems, Institution of Engineering and Technology. 2017, Volume 11, Issue 8, pp 441-449.
A Cross-layer QoS Management Framework for ZigBee Cluster-Tree Networks CISTER-TR-160102 
Ricardo Severino, Sana Ullah, Eduardo TovarTelecommunication Systems (Telecom Syst), Springer. Nov 2016, Volume 63, Issue 3, pp 381-397.
Cyber-physical systems clouds: A survey CISTER-TR-170101 
Rihab Chaari, Fatma Ellouze, Anis Koubâa, Basit Qureshi, Nuno Pereira, Habib Youssef, Eduardo TovarComputer Networks, Elsevier. Oct 2016, Volume 108, pp 260-278.
System-Level Simulation and Resource Management for Distributed Antenna Systems with Cognitive Radio and Multi-Cell Cooperation with Imperfect Information CISTER-TR-160101 
Ramiro Robles, Atilio Gameiro, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo TovarRecent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Bentham Science. Sep 2015, Volume 5, Issue 3.Extension of the conference paper presented at FGCT 2015
A Microscope for the Data Center CISTER-TR-130501 
Nuno Pereira, Stefano Tennina, João Loureiro, Ricardo Severino, Bruno Saraiva, Manuel Santos, Filipe Pacheco, Eduardo TovarInternational Journal of Sensor Networks (IJSNet), Inderscience. 2015, Volume 18, Issue 3/4, pp 193-203.An extended version of a conference publication titled "Building a Microscope for the Data Center" (ref. HURRAY-TR-120704)
Feature Extraction in Densely Sensed Environments: Extensions to Multiple Broadcast Domains CISTER-TR-150704 
Maryam Vahabi, Vikram Gupta, Michele Albano, Raghu R., Eduardo TovarInternational Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (IJDSN), Article ID 457537, Hindawi. 2015, Volume 2015, 21 pages.
Dynamic cluster scheduling for cluster-tree WSNs CISTER-TR-140906 
Ricardo Severino, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo TovarCommunication Networks, SpringerPlus. 31, Aug, 2014, Volume 3, Issue 493.
Unified Overhead-aware Schedulability Analysis for Slot-based Task-splitting CISTER-TR-130201 
Paulo Baltarejo Sousa, Konstantinos Bletsas, Eduardo Tovar, Pedro Souto, Benny ÅkessonReal-Time Systems journal, Springer US. Jul 2014, Volume 50, Issue 4, pp 1-56.
Compositional Multiprocessor Scheduling: the GMPR interface CISTER-TR-140101 
Artem Burmyakov, Enrico Bini, Eduardo Tovar
ABSTRACTPDFPDF Additional Files: Zip ArchiveMatlab tool for GMPR computation
Real-Time Systems, Springer US. May 2014, Volume 50, Issue 3, pp 342-376. U.S.A..
Enhancing the Real-time Capabilities of the Linux Kernel HURRAY-TR-120701 
Paulo Baltarejo Sousa, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo TovarACM SIGBED Review - Special Issue on the 24th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ACM SIGBED Rev), ACM. Nov 2012.
Guest Editorial Special Section on Cyber-Physical Systems and Cooperating Objects CISTER-TR-140505 
Chenyang Lu, Raj Rajkumar, Eduardo TovarIEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (TII), IEEE. May 2012, Volume 8, Issue 2, pp 378.
Using a Prioritized Medium Access Control Protocol for Incrementally Obtaining an Interpolation of Sensor Readings HURRAY-TR-110101 
Björn Andersson, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo Tovar, Ricardo F. T. Gomes1, Feb, 2011.Solutions on Embedded Systems, Springer, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Vol. 81, ISBN 978-94-007-0637-8, 2011.
Dimensioning and Worst-case Analysis of Cluster-Tree Sensor Networks HURRAY-TR-100302 
Petr Jurcik, Ricardo Severino, Anis Koubâa, Mário Alves, Eduardo TovarACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN), Article No 14, ACM. Aug 2010, Volume 7, Issue 2.
Improving Quality-of-Service in Wireless Sensor Networks by mitigating hidden-node collisions HURRAY-TR-090803 
Anis Koubâa, Ricardo Severino, Mário Alves, Eduardo TovarTransactions on Industrial Informatics. Special Issue on Real-Time and Embedded Networked Systems, IEEE. Aug 2009, Volume 5, Issue 3, pp 299-313.
Efficient Computation of MIN and MAX in Multihop Networks (by exploiting a prioritized MAC protocol) HURRAY-TR-080901 
Nuno Pereira, Björn Andersson, Eduardo Tovar, Paulo Manuel Martins de CarvalhoIntelligent Technical Systems, Springer Netherlands. 1, Apr, 2009, Volume 38. Part V, pp 233-246. Netherlands.
TDBS: A Time Division Beacon Scheduling Mechanism for ZigBee Cluster-Tree Wireless Sensor Networks HURRAY-TR-081201 
Anis Koubâa, André Cunha, Mário Alves, Eduardo TovarReal-Time Systems Journal, Springer. Dec 2008, Volume 40, Issue 3, pp 321-354.
Analysing TDMA with Slot Skipping HURRAY-TR-081103 
Björn Andersson, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo TovarTransactions on Industrial Informatics (TII), IEEE. Nov 2008, Volume 4, Issue 4, pp 225-236.
An implicit GTS allocation mechanism in IEEE 802.15.4 for time-sensitive wireless sensor networks: theory and practice HURRAY-TR-080302 
Anis Koubâa, Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar, André CunhaReal-Time Systems Journal, Springer. Aug 2008, Volume 39, Issue 1-3, pp 169-204.On-line since 21/Nov/2007
A Scalable and Efficient Approach to Obtain Measurements in CAN-based Control Systems HURRAY-TR-061102 
Björn Andersson, Nuno Pereira, Wilfried Elmenreich, Eduardo Tovar, Filipe Pacheco, Nuno CruzIEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (TII), IEEE. May 2008, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp 80-91.This document was previously entitled "Using a Prioritized MAC Protocol to Efficiently Compute Aggregated Quantities in a Single Broadcast Domain"
Real-time communications over wired/wireless PROFIBUS networks supporting inter-cell mobility HURRAY-TR-070801 
Eduardo Tovar, Mário AlvesComputer Networks, Elsevier. Aug 2007, Volume 51, Issue 11, pp 2994-3012.
Energy/Delay Trade-off of the GTS Allocation Mechanism in IEEE 802.15.4 for Wireless Sensor Networks HURRAY-TR-070703 
Anis Koubâa, Eduardo Tovar, Mário AlvesInternational Journal of Communication Systems, John Wiley & Sons. 11, Jul, 2007, Volume 20, Issue 7, pp 791-808.
WiDom: A Dominance Protocol for Wireless Medium Access HURRAY-TR-070512 
Nuno Pereira, Björn Andersson, Eduardo TovarIEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE. May 2007, Volume 3, Issue 2, pp 120-130.
Engineering PROFIBUS Networks with Heterogeneous Transmission Media HURRAY-TR-061003 
Mário Alves, Eduardo TovarComputer Communications, Elsevier. 15, Dec, 2006, Volume 30, Issue 1, pp 17-32.
A Framework for the Response Time Analysis of Fixed-Priority Tasks with Stochastic Inter-arrival Times HURRAY-TR-060102 
Liliana Cucu-Grosjean, Eduardo TovarACM SIGBED Review, ACM SIGBED. Jan 2006, Volume 3, Issue 1.Also available online at http://www.cs.virginia.edu/sigbed/vol3_num1.html.
Schedulability Analysis of Real-Time Traffic in WorldFIP Networks: an Integrated Approach HURRAY-TR-0205 
Luís Almeida, José Alberto Fonseca, Francisco Vasques, Eduardo TovarIEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE. 1, Oct, 2002, Volume 49, Issue 5, pp 1165-1174.
Communication Response Time in P-NET Networks: Worst-Case Analysis Considering the Actual Token Utilisation HURRAY-TR-9901 
Francisco Vasques, Alan Burns, Eduardo TovarJournal of Real-Time-Systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1, May, 2002, Volume 22, Issue 3, pp 229-249.
Distributed Computing for the Factory-floor: a Real-Time Approach Using WorldFIP Networks HURRAY-TR-0020 
Eduardo Tovar, Francisco VasquesComputers in Industry, Elesevier Science. 4, Dec, 2000, Volume 44, Issue 1, pp 11-30.
Real-Time Fieldbus Communications Using Profibus Networks HURRAY-TR-9823 
Eduardo Tovar, Francisco VasquesIEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE IES. Dec 1999, Volume 46, Issue 6, pp 1241-1251.
Cycle Time Properties of the PROFIBUS Timed Token Protocol HURRAY-TR-9916 
Eduardo Tovar, Francisco VasquesComputer Communications, Elsevier Science. 25, Aug, 1999, Volume 22, Issue 13, pp 1206-1216.
Supporting Real-Time Distributed Computer-Controlled Systems with Multi-hop P-NET Networks HURRAY-TR-9911 
Alan Burns, Francisco Vasques, Eduardo TovarControl Engineering Practice, Elsevier Science.. Aug 1999, Volume 7, Issue 8, pp 1015-1025.
Conference or Workshop Papers/Talks
Improved Memory Contention Analysis for the 3-Phase Task Model CISTER-TR-240506 
Jatin Arora, Syed Aftab Rashid, Geoffrey Nelissen, Cláudio Maia, Eduardo TovarAccepted in 30th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Application (RTCSA) 2024 (RTCSA 2024). 21 to 23, Aug, 2024, Technical Session. Sokcho, South Korea.
Poisoning Federated Learning with Graph Neural Networks in Internet of Drones CISTER-TR-240501 
Kai Li, Alam Noor, Wei Ni, Eduardo Tovar, Xiaoming Fu, Ozgur B. AkanIEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2024) (ICCCN). 29 to 31, Jul, 2024, Track 7: Security, Privacy, and Trust. Big Island, Hawaii, U.S.A..
Reducing the gap between theory and practice in real-time systems with MARS CISTER-TR-240602 
Giann Nandi, David Pereira, José Proença, Eduardo Tovar, Luis Miguel NogueiraDependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2024). 24 to 27, Jun, 2024, Doctoral Forum. Brisbane, Australia.
A Novel Heuristic Framework for Offline IMA Schedule Generation for Multicore Platforms CISTER-TR-240503 
Alexandre Esper, Jatin Arora, Geoffrey Nelissen, Eduardo Tovar12th European Congress on Embedded Real Time Systems (ERTS 2024) (ERTS 2024). 11 to 12, Jun, 2024, Real-Time Systems 1. Toulouse, France.
Exploring LSTM-assisted A2C For Physical Layer Security in Vehicular Cyber-Physical Systems CISTER-TR-240402 
Harrison Kurunathan, Kai Li, Wei Ni, Na Li, Eduardo Tovar, Mohsen GuizaniThe 20th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2024) (IWCMC). 27 to 31, May, 2024, AI for Autonomous Unmanned Systems Symposium (AAUSS). Ayia Napa, Cyprus.
Detecting Poisoning Attacks on Federated Learning Using Gradient-Weighted Class Activation Mapping CISTER-TR-240302 
Jingjing Zheng, Kai Li, Xin Yuan, Wei Ni, Eduardo TovarThe Web Conference 2024 (TheWebConf (WWW 2024) 2024). 13 to 17, May, 2024. Singapore, Singapore.
DynaVLC– Towards Dynamic GTS Allocation in VLC Networks CISTER-TR-240403 
Harrison Kurunathan, Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Ramiro Robles, Eduardo TovarWorkshop on Next Generation Real-Time Embedded Systems (NGRES). 4, Mar, 2024. Munich, Germany.
Towards Multi-channel GTS Allocation in Visible Light Communication CISTER-TR-231206 
Harrison Kurunathan, Ramiro Robles, Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Eduardo Tovar4th South American Conference On Visible Light Communications (SACVLC 2023). 8 to 10, Dec, 2023. Santiago, Chile.
VLC-enabled monitoring in a healthcare setting: Overview and Challenges CISTER-TR-231204 
Harrison Kurunathan, Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Eduardo Tovar4th South American Conference On Visible Light Communications (SACVLC 2023). 8 to 10, Nov, 2023. Santiago, Chile.
Improved Bus Contention Analysis for 3-Phase Tasks CISTER-TR-230505 
Jatin Arora, Syed Aftab Rashid, Geoffrey Nelissen, Cláudio Maia, Eduardo Tovar29th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2023). 30, Aug to 1, Sep, 2023, Technical Session. TOKI MESSE, Niigata, Japan.The paper is accepted as a full paper in RTCSA 2023.
Secure integration of extremely resource-constrained nodes on distributed ROS2 applications CISTER-TR-230703 
Giann Nandi, David Pereira, José Proença, Eduardo Tovar, Aythami Salvador RodriguezOpen Research Europe (ORE). 14, Jul, 2023. Online, Albania.
Memory Contention Analysis for 3-Phase Tasks CISTER-TR-230503 
Jatin Arora, Syed Aftab Rashid, Geoffrey Nelissen, Cláudio Maia, Eduardo TovarJunior Researcher Workshop on Real-Time Computing, co-located with RTNS 2023 (JRWRTC 2023). 7 to 8, Jun, 2023, Workshop session. Dortmund, Germany.
A WSSL Implementation for Critical Cyber-Physical Systems Applications CISTER-TR-230504 
Márcia Rocha, Enio Filho, Fernando Alves, Sérgio Penna, Pedro Miguel Santos, Eduardo TovarCPS-IoT Week '23: Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things Week 2023 (RAGE 2023). 10 to 13, May, 2023, pp 192-197. San Antonio, TX, U.S.A..
Shared Resource Contention Aware Schedulability Analysis for Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems CISTER-TR-221202 
Jatin Arora, Eduardo Tovar, Cláudio Maia
ABSTRACTPDFPDF Additional Files: PDFPoster
Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE 2023). 17 to 19, Apr, 2023, PhD Forum. Antwerp, Belgium.
Waiting Time Analysis for a Network of Signalized Intersections CISTER-TR-230102 
Radha Reddy, Luís Almeida, Pedro Miguel Santos, Eduardo TovarThe 14th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT) 2023 (ANT 2023). 2023. Leuven, Belgium.
A Drone Secure Handover Architecture validated in a Software in the Loop Environment CISTER-TR-230105 
Enio Filho, Filipe Gomes, Stéphane Monteiro, Sérgio Penna, Anis Koubâa, Eduardo Tovar
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EASN Conference Proceedings issue of Journal of Physics: Conference Series (EASN). 2023, ADACORSA. Barcelona, Spain.
Advantages of Synchronizing Vehicles Intersection Access CISTER-TR-230405 
Radha Reddy, Luís Almeida, Pedro Miguel Santos, Eduardo Tovar25th Euro Working Group on Transportation Meeting (EWGT 2023) (EWGT 2023). 2023. Santander, Spain.
Development of a Hardware in the Loop Ad-Hoc Testbed for Cooperative Vehicles Platooning CISTER-TR-221001 
Enio Filho, Bruno Mendes, Pedro Miguel Santos, Eduardo Tovar6th EAI International Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems (EAI INTSYS 2022). 15 to 16, Dec, 2022, pp 57-72. Lisbon, Portugal.
Work-in-Progress: Exploring the Composition of Synchronous Intelligent Intersections CISTER-TR-221204 
Radha Reddy, Luís Almeida, Pedro Miguel Santos, Eduardo TovarWork in Progress Session, 2022 IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS) (RTSS 2022). 8, Dec, 2022. Houston, TX, USA, U.S.A..
MARS: a toolset for the safe and secure deployment of heterogeneous distributed systems CISTER-TR-221101 
Giann Nandi, David Pereira, José Proença, José Santos, Lourenço A. Rodrigues, André Lourenço, Eduardo TovarReal-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS). 5 to 8, Dec, 2022, Explainability of Real-Time Systems and their Analysis. Houston, U.S.A..
Work-in-Progress: A Holistic Approach to WCRT Analysis for Multicore Systems CISTER-TR-220907 
Jatin Arora, Syed Aftab Rashid, Cláudio Maia, Geoffrey Nelissen, Eduardo Tovar
ABSTRACTPDFPDF Additional Files: PDFPoster
Work in Progress Session, 43rd Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2022). 5 to 8, Dec, 2022. Houston, Texas, U.S.A..
IPDeN: Real-Time deflection-based NoC with in-order flits delivery CISTER-TR-230104 
Yilian Ribot, Geoffrey Nelissen, Eduardo Tovar28th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2022). 23 to 25, Aug, 2022. Taipei, Taiwan.
Analyzing Fixed Task Priority Based Memory Centric Scheduler for the 3-Phase Task Model CISTER-TR-220608 
Jatin Arora, Syed Aftab Rashid, Cláudio Maia, Eduardo TovarIEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA). 23 to 25, Aug, 2022, Technical Session. Taipei, Taiwan.
IPDeN: Real-Time deflection-based NoC with in-order flits delivery CISTER-TR-220610 
Yilian Ribot, Geoffrey Nelissen, Eduardo TovarInternational Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2022). 23 to 25, Aug, 2022. Taipei, Taiwan.
Schedulability analysis for CAN bus messages of periodically-varying size CISTER-TR-220501 
Ishfaq Hussain, Konstantinos Bletsas, Muhammad Ali Awan, Eduardo Tovar, Pedro Souto18th IEEE International Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2022) (WFCS2022). 27 to 29, Apr, 2022, Deterministic and Predictable Industrial Communication. Virtual, Italy.
Federated Learning for Online Resource Allocation in Mobile Edge Computing: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach CISTER-TR-221201 
Jingjing Zheng, Kai Li, Wei Ni, Eduardo Tovar, Mohsen Guizani, Naram MhaisenIEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC2023). 2022. Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom.
Cache-aware Schedulability Analysis of PREM Compliant Tasks CISTER-TR-220101 
Syed Aftab Rashid, Muhammad Ali Awan, Pedro Souto, Konstantinos Bletsas, Eduardo TovarDesign, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE 2022). 2022, Real-time, Dependable and Privacy-Enhanced Systems. ANTWERP, Belgium.
Response time analysis of memory-bandwidth- regulated multiframe mixed-criticality systems CISTER-TR-211006 
Ishfaq Hussain, Muhammad Ali Awan, Pedro Souto, Konstantinos Bletsas, Eduardo TovarInternational Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS) (ICESS). 14 to 15, Dec, 2021, Mixed-Criticality Embedded Systems. Shanghai, Australia.
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Persistent Cruise Control in UAV-aided Data Collection CISTER-TR-211008 
Harrison Kurunathan, Kai Li, Wei Ni, Eduardo Tovar, Falko DresslerThe IEEE Local Computer Networks conference (LCN). 4, Oct, 2021. Edmonton, Canada.
Considerations on Combining Vestal's Mixed-criticality Task Model and the Predictable Execution Model (PREM) for Real-time Systems CISTER-TR-210906 
Ishfaq Hussain, Muhammad Ali Awan, Konstantinos Bletsas, Pedro Souto, Eduardo Tovar1st CERCIRAS workshop. 2, Sep, 2021. Novi Sad, Serbia.https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3145/short14.pdf
nDimNoC: Real-Time D-dimensional NoC CISTER-TR-230103 
Yilian Ribot, Geoffrey Nelissen, Eduardo Tovar33rd Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2021). 5 to 9, Jul, 2021. Virtual Conference, Germany.
nDimNoC: Real-Time D-dimensional NoC CISTER-TR-210606 
Yilian Ribot, Geoffrey Nelissen, Eduardo TovarEuromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS). 5 to 9, Jul, 2021. Virtual, Italy.
A Real Time QoS Monitor Architecture Proposal for Cooperative Vehicular Platooning CISTER-TR-210605 
Enio Filho, Ricardo Severino, Anis Koubâa, Eduardo Tovar4th Doctoral Congress in Engineering (DCE 2021). 29 to 30, Jun, 2021, ransport Systems and Mobility. Porto, Portugal.
A Wireless Safety and Security Layer Architecture for Reliable Co-CPS CISTER-TR-210604 
Enio Filho, Ricardo Severino, Anis Koubâa, Eduardo Tovar4th Doctoral Congress in Engineering (DCE 2021). 28 to 29, Jun, 2021, Electrical and Computer Engineering. Porto, Portugal.
Towards the safe deployment of runtime monitors in mode-change supported Cyber-Physical Systems CISTER-TR-210608 
Giann Nandi, David Pereira, José Proença, Eduardo Tovar4th Doctoral Congress in Engineering (DCE 21). 28 to 29, Jun, 2021, Symposium on Electrical and Computer Engineering. Porto, Portugal.
Deep Q-Networks for Aerial Data Collection in Multi-UAV-Assisted Wireless Sensor Networks CISTER-TR-210304 
Yousef Emami, Bo Wei, Kai Li, Wei Ni, Eduardo Tovar17th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2021). 28, Jun to 2, Jul, 2021. Harbin, China.
Federated Learning for Energy-balanced Client Selection in Mobile Edge Computing CISTER-TR-210305 
Jingjing Zheng, Kai Li, Eduardo Tovar, Mohsen Guizani17th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2021). 28, Jun to 2, Jul, 2021. Harbin, China.Jingjing Zheng, Kai Li, Eduardo Tovar, Mohsen Guizani
Towards the safe deployment of runtime monitors in mode-change supported Cyber-Physical Systems CISTER-TR-210612 
Giann Nandi, David Pereira, José Proença, Eduardo Tovar4th Doctoral Congress in Engineering (DCE 2021). 28 to 29, Jun, 2021, Symposium on Electrical and Computer Engineering. Porto, Portugal.
Bus-Contention Aware Schedulability Analysis for the 3-Phase Task Model with Partitioned Scheduling CISTER-TR-210206 
Jatin Arora, Cláudio Maia, Syed Aftab Rashid, Geoffrey Nelissen, Eduardo Tovar29th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS 2021). 7 to 9, Apr, 2021, Technical Session. Online.
Open Issues in Analyzing the Schedulability for the 3-Phase Task Model using Partitioned Scheduling CISTER-TR-210603 
Jatin Arora, Cláudio Maia, Syed Aftab Rashid, Eduardo TovarThe symposium of “Electrical and Computer Engineering” of the 4th Doctoral Congress Engineering (DCE21) (DCE). 2021, Poster/Presentation Session. Online.
Synchronous Framework Extended for Complex Intersections CISTER-TR-210611 
Radha Reddy, Luís Almeida, Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Pedro Miguel Santos, Eduardo TovarEuro Working Group on Transportation Meeting (EWGT) 2021 (EWGT21). 2021. Aveiro, Portugal.
A Hybrid Deep Learning Model for UAVs Detection in Day and Night Dual Visions CISTER-TR-211103 
Alam Noor, Kai Li, Adel Ammar, Anis Koubâa, Bilel Benjdira, Eduardo TovarThe Third IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Machine Intelligence (CogMI). 2021, Intelligent CPS. Pittsburgh, U.S.A..
Work-In-Progress: Worst-Case Response Time of Intersection Management Protocols CISTER-TR-211003 
Radha Reddy, Luís Almeida, Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Harrison Kurunathan, Pedro Miguel Santos, Eduardo TovarWork in Progress Session, 42nd IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS) (RTSS). 2021. Dortmund, Germany.
An Integrated Lateral and Longitudinal Look Ahead Controller for Cooperative Vehicular Platooning CISTER-TR-200903 
Enio Filho, Anis Koubâa, Ricardo Severino, Eduardo Tovar4th EAI International Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems (EAI INTSYS 2020). 2 to 4, Dec, 2020, pp 142-159. Online.Part of the Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering book series (LNICST, volume 364).
Work-In-Progress: a DSL for the safe deployment of Runtime Monitors in Cyber-Physical Systems CISTER-TR-201002 
Giann Nandi, David Pereira, José Proença, Eduardo Tovar
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Work in Progress Session, 41st IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2020). 1 to 4, Dec, 2020, pp 395-398. Online.
Work-In-Progress: WCRT Analysis for the 3-Phase Task Model in Partitioned Scheduling CISTER-TR-201005 
Jatin Arora, Cláudio Maia, Syed Aftab Rashid, Geoffrey Nelissen, Eduardo Tovar
ABSTRACTPDFPDF Additional Files: PDFPoster
Work in Progress Session, 41st IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2020). 1 to 4, Dec, 2020, pp 407-410. Online.
Comparing the Ecological Footprint of Intersection Management Protocols for Human/Autonomous Scenarios CISTER-TR-200501 
Radha Reddy, Luís Almeida, Pedro Miguel Santos, Eduardo Tovar23rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2020). 20 to 23, Sep, 2020, pp 1-6. Online.
Synchronous Intersection Management to reduce Time Loss CISTER-TR-200707 
Radha Reddy, Luís Almeida, Pedro Miguel Santos, Samia Bouzefrane, Eduardo Tovar23rd EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting (EWGT 2020). 16 to 18, Sep, 2020, Oral Presentation. Paphos, Cyprus.Full Paper
WiCAR - Simulating towards the Wireless Car CISTER-TR-200504 
Harrison Kurunathan, Ricardo Severino, Enio Filho, Eduardo Tovar15th International Workshop on Dependable Smart Embedded Cyber-Physical Systems and Systems-of-Systems (DECSoS 2020). 15, Sep, 2020, pp 136-147. Online.DECSoS 2020 was held as part of the 39th International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security (SafeComp 2020).
Part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, volume 12235)

Attack Detection in Cyber-Physical Production Systems using the Deterministic Dendritic Cell Algorithm CISTER-TR-201011 
Rui Pinto, Gil Gonçalves, Eduardo Tovar, Jerker Delsing25th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2020). 8 to 11, Sep, 2020, pp 1552-1559. Vienna, Austria.
Bounding Cache Persistence Reload Overheads for Set-Associative Caches CISTER-TR-200716 
Syed Aftab Rashid, Geoffrey Nelissen, Eduardo Tovar26th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2020). 19 to 21, Aug, 2020, Real-Time Systems, pp 1-10. Online.Outstanding Paper Award
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Real-Time Trajectory Planning in UAV Networks CISTER-TR-200401 
Kai Li, Wei Ni, Eduardo Tovar, Mohsen Guizani16th International Conference on Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing (IWCMC 2020). 15 to 19, Jun, 2020, pp 958-963. Online.
Deep Q-Learning based Resource Management in UAV-assisted Wireless Powered IoT Networks CISTER-TR-200201 
Kai Li, Wei Ni, Eduardo Tovar, Abbas JamalipourIEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2020). 7 to 11, Jun, 2020, pp 1-6. Online.
Buffer-Aware Scheduling for UAV Relay Networks with Energy Fairness CISTER-TR-200202 
Yousef Emami, Kai Li, Eduardo Tovar91st IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Spring). 25 to 28, May, 2020, pp 1-5. Online.
Tightening up security in low power deterministic networks CISTER-TR-200312 
Walter Tiberti, Bruno Vieira, Harrison Kurunathan, Ricardo Severino, Eduardo Tovar16th IEEE International Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2020). 27 to 29, Apr, 2020, pp 1-7. Online.
Towards a Cooperative Robotic Platooning Testbed CISTER-TR-200311 
Enio Filho, Nuno Guedes, Miguel Mestre, Bruno Vieira, Ricardo Severino, Anis Koubâa, Eduardo Tovar20th IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC 2020). 15 to 16, Apr, 2020, pp 332-337. Online.Highly Commended Paper Award
Cache Persistence-Aware Memory Bus Contention Analysis for Multicore Systems CISTER-TR-191102 
Syed Aftab Rashid, Geoffrey Nelissen, Eduardo TovarDesign, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE 2020). 9 to 13, Mar, 2020, pp 442-447. Online.
Synchronous Intersection Management Protocol for Mixed Traffic Flows CISTER-TR-191005 
Radha Reddy, Luís Almeida, Eduardo TovarWork in Progress Session, 40th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2019). 18 to 21, Feb, 2020, pp 576-579. York, United Kingdom.RTSS 2019 originally postponed from December 2019 (Hong-Kong) to February 2020 (York, UK) was cancelled.
Response time analysis of Multiframe mixed criticality systems CISTER-TR-190908 
Ishfaq Hussain, Muhammad Ali Awan, Pedro Souto, Konstantinos Bletsas, Benny Åkesson, Eduardo Tovar27th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS 2019). 6 to 8, Nov, 2019, pp 8-18. Toulouse, France.Outstanding paper award
COPADRIVe - A Realistic Simulation Framework for Cooperative Autonomous Driving Applications CISTER-TR-190804 
Bruno Vieira, Enio Filho, Ricardo Severino, Anis Koubâa, Eduardo Tovar8th IEEE International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE 2019). 4 to 8, Nov, 2019. Graz, Austria.
Techniques and Analysis for Mixed-criticality Scheduling with Mode-dependent Server Execution Budgets CISTER-TR-190906 
Muhammad Ali Awan, Konstantinos Bletsas, Pedro F. Souto, Benny Åkesson, Eduardo Tovar
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ACM SIGBED International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT 2019). 13 to 18, Oct, 2019, pp 109:1-109:23. New York, U.S.A..ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, Vol. 18, No. 5s, Article 109.
CAP: Context-Aware Programming for Cyber Physical Systems CISTER-TR-190623 
Shashank Gaur, Luís Almeida, Eduardo Tovar, Radha Reddy24th IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2019). 10 to 13, Sep, 2019, pp 1009-1016. Zaragoza, Spain.
Memory Bandwidth Regulation for Multiframe Task Sets CISTER-TR-190629 
Muhammad Ali Awan, Pedro F. Souto, Konstantinos Bletsas, Benny Åkesson, Eduardo Tovar25th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2019). 18 to 21, Aug, 2019. Hangzhou, China.
Uneven memory regulation for scheduling IMA applications on multi-core platforms CISTER-TR-190505 
Muhammad Ali Awan, Pedro Souto, Benny Åkesson, Konstantinos Bletsas, Eduardo Tovar
ABSTRACTPDFPDF Additional Files: PDFPoster
31st Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2019). 9 to 12, Jul, 2019, J2C. Stuttgart, Germany.Journal to Conference paper (CISTER-TR-181131).
DynaMO - Dynamically tuning DSME Networks CISTER-TR-190508 
Harrison Kurunathan, Ricardo Severino, Anis Koubâa, Eduardo Tovar17th International Workshop on Real-Time Networks (RTN 2019). 9, Jul, 2019. Stuttgart, Germany.RTN 2019 is a satellite workshop of ECRTS 2019.

Symphony - Routing Aware Scheduling for DSME Networks CISTER-TR-190509 
Harrison Kurunathan, Ricardo Severino, Anis Koubâa, Eduardo Tovar17th International Workshop on Real-Time Networks (RTN 2019). 9, Jul, 2019. Stuttgart, Germany.RTN 2019 is a satellite workshop of ECRTS 2019.
https://www.ecrts.org/archives/fileadmin/WebsitesArchiv/ecrts2019/wp- content/uploads/2019/06/RTN2019_PrePrints.pdf

ResilienceP Analysis: Bounding Cache Persistence Reload Overhead for Set-Associative Caches CISTER-TR-190512 
Syed Aftab Rashid, Geoffrey Nelissen, Eduardo Tovar
ABSTRACTPDFPDF Additional Files: PDFPoster
Work in Progress Session, 31st Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2019). 9 to 13, Jul, 2019, pp 7-9. Stuttgart, Germany.https://www.ecrts.org/archives/fileadmin/WebsitesArchiv/ecrts2019/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/ECRTS2019-WIP-proceedings.pdf
Proactive Eavesdropping via Jamming for Trajectory Tracking of UAVs CISTER-TR-190404 
Kai Li, Salil S. Kanhere, Wei Ni, Eduardo Tovar, Mohsen Guizani15th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2019). 24 to 28, Jun, 2019, Vehicular Communications Symposium, pp 477-482. Tangier, Morocco.
Cooperative Secret Key Generation for Platoon-based Vehicular Communications CISTER-TR-190206 
Kai Li, Lingyun Luy, Wei Niz, Eduardo Tovar, Mohsen Guizani53rd IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2019). 20 to 24, May, 2019. Shangai, China.
AdaptC: Programming Adaptation Policies for WSN Applications CISTER-TR-181132 
Shashank Gaur, Luís Almeida, Eduardo Tovar34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC 2019). 8 to 12, Apr, 2019, Cyber Physical Systems, pp 229-235. Limassol, Cyprus.
Decoupling Criticality and Importance in Mixed-Criticality Scheduling CISTER-TR-181119 
Konstantinos Bletsas, Muhammad Ali Awan, Pedro Souto, Benny Åkesson, Alan Burns, Eduardo Tovar6th International Workshop on Mixed Criticality Systems (WMC 2018). 11, Dec, 2018, pp 25-30. Nashville, U.S.A..WMC 2018 was held as part of RTSS 2018, Nashville, USA, 11-14 December.
Trading Between Intra- and Inter-Task Cache Interference to Improve Schedulability CISTER-TR-180803 
Syed Aftab Rashid, Geoffrey Nelissen, Eduardo Tovar26th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS 2018). 10 to 12, Oct, 2018, pp 125-136. Poitiers, France.
Mixed-criticality Scheduling with Dynamic Memory Bandwidth Regulation CISTER-TR-180604 
Muhammad Ali Awan, Konstantinos Bletsas, Pedro Souto, Benny Åkesson, Eduardo Tovar24th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2018). 28 to 31, Aug, 2018, Session 4: Support for Predictability, pp 111-117. Hakodate, Japan.
Worst-case Stall Analysis for Multicore Architectures with Two Memory Controllers CISTER-TR-180401 
Muhammad Ali Awan, Pedro Souto, Konstantinos Bletsas, Benny Åkesson, Eduardo Tovar30th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2018). 3 to 6, Jul, 2018, pp 2:1-2:22. Barcelona, Spain.Volume 106
LCD: Low Latency Command Dissemination for A Platoon of Vehicles CISTER-TR-180109 
Kai Li, Eduardo Tovar, Mohsen GuizaniIEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2018). 20 to 24, May, 2018, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networking Symposium. Kansas, U.S.A..
On the Robot Path Planning using Cloud Computing for Large Grid Maps CISTER-TR-180411 
Imen Chaari, Anis Koubâa, Basit Qureshi, Habib Youssef, Ricardo Severino, Eduardo Tovar18th IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC 2018). 25 to 27, Apr, 2018, pp 225-230. Torres Vedras, Portugal.
Mixed-criticality Scheduling with Memory Bandwidth Regulation CISTER-TR-171201 
Muhammad Ali Awan, Pedro Souto, Konstantinos Bletsas, Benny Åkesson, Eduardo TovarDesign, Automation and Test in Europe 2018 (DATE 2018). 19 to 23, Mar, 2018, pp 1277-1282. Dresden, Germany.
Integrated Analysis of Cache Related Preemption Delays and Cache Persistence Reload Overheads CISTER-TR-170902 
Syed Aftab Rashid, Geoffrey Nelissen, Sebastian Altmeyer, Robert Davis, Eduardo TovarIEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 2017 (RTSS 2017). 5 to 8, Dec, 2017, pp 188-198. Paris, France.
Formal Verification of AADL Models Using UPPAAL CISTER-TR-171101 
Fernando Gonçalves, David Pereira, Eduardo Tovar, Leandro BeckerVII Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering (SBESC 2017). 7 to 10, Nov, 2017, Session 10: Development and Tools - B, pp 117-124. Curitiba, Brasil.
Real-Time Dense Wired Sensor Network Based on Traffic Shaping CISTER-TR-170602 
João Loureiro, Raghu R., Borislav Nikolic, Leandro Indrusiak, Eduardo Tovar23rd IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2017). 16 to 18, Aug, 2017. Hsinchu, Taiwan.
Mixed-Criticality Systems with Partial Lockdown and Cache Reclamation Upon Mode Change CISTER-TR-170507 
Konstantinos Bletsas, Muhammad Ali Awan, Pedro Souto, Benny Åkesson, Eduardo Tovar
ABSTRACTPDFPDF Additional Files: PDFPoster, PDFPresentation
Work in Progress Session, 29th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2017). 27 to 30, Jun, 2017, pp 22-24. Dubrovnik, Croatia.http://www.ecrts.org/fileadmin/files_ecrts17/Proceedings_ECRTS-WiP2017.pdf
Mixed-criticality Scheduling with Dynamic Redistribution of Shared Cache CISTER-TR-170202 
Muhammad Ali Awan, Konstantinos Bletsas, Pedro Souto, Benny Åkesson, Eduardo Tovar29th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2017). 27 to 30, Jun, 2017, Main track, pp 18:1-18:21. Dubrovnik, Croatia.
PELE: Power Efficient Legitimate Eavesdropping via Jamming in UAV Communications CISTER-TR-170404 
Xiaoming Wang, Kai Li, Salil S. Kanhere, Demin Li, Xiaolu Zhang, Eduardo Tovar13th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2017). 26 to 30, Jun, 2017, Vehicular Communications Symposium, pp 402-408. Valencia, Spain.
Simulation Module and Tools for XDense Sensor Network CISTER-TR-170401 
João Loureiro, Pedro José Santos, Raghu R., Eduardo TovarWorkshop on NS-3 (WNS3'17). 13 to 14, Jun, 2017, pp 110-117. Porto, Portugal.
Worst-Case Bound Analysis for the Time-Critical MAC behaviors of IEEE 802.15.4e CISTER-TR-170501 
Harrison Kurunathan, Ricardo Severino, Anis Koubâa, Eduardo Tovar13th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems Communication in Automation (WFCS 2017). 31, May to 2, Jun, 2017, Main track. Trondheim, Norway.
A Service-Oriented Cloud-Based Management System for the Internet-of-Drones CISTER-TR-170305 
Anis Koubâa, Basit Qureshi, Mohamed-Foued Sriti, Yasir Javed, Eduardo Tovar17th International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC 2017). 26 to 30, Apr, 2017, pp 329-335. Coimbra, Portugal.
Semi-partitioned mixed-criticality scheduling CISTER_TR_161102 
Muhammad Ali Awan, Konstantinos Bletsas, Pedro Souto, Eduardo Tovar30th International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS 2017). 3 to 6, Apr, 2017, Session 6: Scheduling, pp 205-218. Vienna, Austria.Part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, volume 10172).
Integrating the Calculation of Preemption and Persistence Related Cache Overhead CISTER-TR-161005 
Syed Aftab Rashid, Geoffrey Nelissen, Eduardo Tovar
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Work in Progress Session, IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2016). 29, Nov to 2, Dec, 2016. Porto, Portugal.
Network Diversity Multiple Access in Rayleigh Fading Correlated Channels with Imperfect Channel and Collision Multiplicity Estimation CISTER-TR-161103 
Ramiro Robles, Eduardo Tovar, Desmond C. McLernon, Mounir Ghogho24th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2016 (TELFOR 2016). 22 to 23, Nov, 2016. Serbia.
The DEWI High-Level Architecture: Wireless Sensor Networks in Industrial Applications CISTER-TR-161001 
Ramiro Robles, Werner Rom, Eduardo TovarInternational Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM 2016). 19 to 21, Sep, 2016. Porto, Portugal.
Wireless Avionics Intra-Communications: Current Trends and Design Issues CISTER-TR-161002 
Ramiro Robles, Eduardo Tovar, João Cintra, André RochaInternational Conference on Digital Information management (ICDIM 2016). 19 to 21, Sep, 2016. Porto, Portugal.
Active Flow Control for Aerospace Operations by means of a Dense Wireless Sensor and Actuator Network CISTER-TR-160702 
Ramiro Robles, João Loureiro, Eduardo Tovar, Júlio C. Viana, João Cintra, André Rocha
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Work in Progress Session, IEEE conference on Emerging Technologies and factory Automation (EFTA2016). 6 to 9, Sep, 2016. Berlin, Germany.
Cache-Persistence-Aware Response-Time Analysis for Fixed-Priority Preemptive Systems CISTER-TR-160503 
Syed Aftab Rashid, Geoffrey Nelissen, Damien Hardy, Benny Åkesson, Isabelle Puaut, Eduardo Tovar28th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2016). 5 to 8, Jul, 2016. Toulouse, France.Outstanding Paper Award
Cyber-OF: An Adaptive Cyber-Physical Objective Function for Smart Cities Applications CISTER-TR-160603 
Mohamed Ghazi Amor, Anis Koubâa, Eduardo Tovar, Mohamed Khalgui
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Work in Progress Session, 28th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2016). 5 to 8, Jul, 2016. Toulouse, France.
Mixed-criticality scheduling with memory regulation CISTER-TR-160604 
Muhammad Ali Awan, Konstantinos Bletsas, Pedro Souto, Benny Åkesson, Eduardo Tovar, Jibran Ali
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Work in Progress Session, 28th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2016). 5 to 8, Jul, 2016. Toulouse, France.
Energy Efficient Mapping of Mixed Criticality Applications on Unrelated Heterogeneous Multicore Platforms CISTER-TR-160501 
Muhammad Ali Awan, Damien Masson, Eduardo Tovar11th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES 2016). 23 to 25, May, 2016. Krakow, Poland.
Towards Worst-Case Bounds Analysis of the IEEE 802.15.4e CISTER-TR-160206 
Harrison Kurunathan, Ricardo Severino, Anis Koubâa, Eduardo Tovar
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Work in Progress Session, 22nd IEEE Real-Time Embedded Technology & Applications Symposium (RTAS 2016). 11 to 14, Apr, 2016. Viena, Austria.
Cache Persistence Aware Response Time Analysis for Fixed Priority Preemptive Systems CISTER-TR-160207 
Syed Aftab Rashid, Geoffrey Nelissen, Eduardo Tovar
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Work in Progress Session, 22nd IEEE Real-Time Embedded Technology & Applications Symposium (RTAS 2016). 11 to 13, Apr, 2016. Viena, Austria.
Extending T-Res with mobility for context-aware IoT CISTER-TR-160205 
Shashank Gaur, Raghu R., Eduardo Tovar1st IEEE International Conference on Internet-of-Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI 2016). 4 to 8, Apr, 2016, I4T Workshop. Berlin, Germany.
Measurement-Based Probabilistic Timing Analysis for Graphics Processor Units CISTER-TR-160302 
Kostiantyn Berezovskyi, Fabrice Guet, Luca Santinelli, Konstantinos Bletsas, Eduardo TovarArchitecture of Computing Systems (ARCS 2016). 4 to 7, Apr, 2016. Nuremberg, Germany.
Energy-aware Task Allocation onto Unrelated Heterogeneous Multicore Platform for Mixed Criticality Systems CISTER-TR-151205 
Muhammad Ali Awan, Damien Masson, Eduardo Tovar
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Work in Progress Session, IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2015). 1 to 4, Dec, 2015. San Antonio, U.S.A..
Study of the Reliability of Statistical Timing Analysis for Real-Time Systems CISTER-TR-150714 
Dorin Maxim, Frank Soboczenski, Iain Bate, Eduardo Tovar23rd International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS 2015). 4 to 6, Nov, 2015, Main Track. Lille, France.
How realistic is the mixed-criticality real-time system model? CISTER-TR-151004 
Alexandre Esper, Geoffrey Nelissen, Vincent Nélis, Eduardo Tovar
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23rd International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS 2015). 4 to 6, Nov, 2015, Main Track. Lille, France.Outstanding Paper Award
An Exact Schedulability Test for Global FP Using State Space Pruning CISTER-TR-150503 
Artem Burmyakov, Enrico Bini, Eduardo Tovar
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23rd International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS 2015). 4 to 6, Nov, 2015, Main Track. Lille, France.The software tool for the paper titled "An Exact Schedulability Test for Global FP Using State Space Pruning"
Response Time Analysis of Slotted WiDOM in Noisy Wireless Channels CISTER-TR-150703 
Maryam Vahabi, Stefano Tennina, Eduardo Tovar, Björn AnderssonInternational Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2015). 8 to 11, Sep, 2015, Industrial Communication Technologies and Systems. Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Distributed Sensing of Fluid Dynamic Phenomena with the XDense Sensor Grid Network CISTER-TR-150602 
João Loureiro, Raghu R., Eduardo TovarIEEE International Conference on Cyber Physical Systems, Networks and Applications (CPSNA'15). 19 to 21, Aug, 2015. Hong Kong, China.
Overhead-aware schedulability evaluation of semi-partitioned real-time schedulers CISTER-TR-150402 
Pedro Souto, Paulo Baltarejo Sousa, Robert Davis, Konstantinos Bletsas, Eduardo TovarIEEE 21st International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2015). 19 to 21, Aug, 2015. Hong Kong, China.
Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.15.6 Contention-based MAC Protocol CISTER-TR-150205 
Sana Ullah, Eduardo TovarThe IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2015). 8 to 12, Jun, 2015, IEEE ICC 2015 - Communications QoS, Reliability and Modeling. London, United Kingdom.
XDense: A Dense Grid Sensor Network for Distributed Feature Extraction CISTER-TR-150401 
João Loureiro, Raghu R., Eduardo Tovar
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XXXIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos (SBRC 2015). 15 to 19, May, 2015, III Workshop de Comunicação em Sistemas Embarcados Críticos. Vitória, Brasil.
Towards Certifiable Multicore-based Platforms for Avionics CISTER-TR-150702 
Muhammad Ali Awan, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Konstantinos Bletsas, Vincent Nélis, Eduardo Tovar, Pedro SoutoWork in Progress Session, 21st IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Techonology and Applications Symposium (RTAS 2015). 13 to 16, Apr, 2015, pp 27-28. Seattle, U.S.A..
Towards the Certification of Multicore Platforms in the Avionics Domain CISTER-TR-150716 
Muhammad Ali Awan, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Konstantinos Bletsas, Vincent Nélis, Eduardo Tovar, Pedro Souto
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Work in Progress Session, The 28th GI/ITG International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS 2015). 24 to 27, Mar, 2015. Porto, Portugal.
Resource Sharing Under a Server-based Semi-Partitioned Scheduling Approach CISTER-TR-141008 
Alexandre Esper, Eduardo Tovar22nd International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS 2014). 8 to 10, Oct, 2014. Versailles, France.
WCET Measurement-based and Extreme Value Theory Characterisation of CUDA Kernels CISTER-TR-141009 
Kostiantyn Berezovskyi, Luca Santinelli, Konstantinos Bletsas, Eduardo Tovar22nd International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS 2014). 8 to 10, Oct, 2014. Versailles, France.
SPRINT: Extending RUN to Schedule Sporadic Tasks CISTER-TR-140905 
Andrea Baldovin, Geoffrey Nelissen, Tullio Vardanega, Eduardo Tovar22nd International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS 2014). 8 to 10, Oct, 2014. Versailles, France.
Network-Harmonized Scheduling for Multi-Application Sensor Networks CISTER-TR-140415 
Vikram Gupta, Nuno Pereira, Shashank Gaur, Eduardo Tovar, Raj RajkumarThe 20th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2014). 20 to 22, Aug, 2014. Chongqing, China.
Information processing for extreme dense sensing: timeliness and scalability issues CISTER-TR-140713 
Eduardo Tovar13th International Workshop on Real-Time Networks (RTN 2014). 8, Jul, 2014. Madrid, Spain.
Co-RPL: RPL Routing for Mobile Low Power Wireless Sensor Networks using Corona Mechanism CISTER-TR-140524 
Olfa Gaddoura, Anis Koubâa, Raghu R., Eduardo Tovar9th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES 2014). 15 to 17, Jun, 2014, pp 200-209. Italy.
Feature Extraction in Densely Sensed Environments CISTER-TR-140513 
Maryam Vahabi, Vikram Gupta, Michele Albano, Eduardo TovarIEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS 2014), IEEE. 27, May, 2014. Marina Del Rey, U.S.A..
XDense: A Sensor Network for Extreme Dense Sensing CISTER-TR-131203 
João Loureiro, Vikram Gupta, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo Tovar, Raghu R.
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34th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2013). 3 to 6, Dec, 2013, Work-In-Progress Session.
Two Protocols to Reduce the Criticality Level of Multiprocessor Mixed-Criticality Systems CISTER-TR-131004 
François Santy, Gurulingesh Raravi, Geoffrey Nelissen, Vincent Nélis, Pratyush Kumar, Joel Goossens, Eduardo Tovar21st International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS'13), ACM. 16 to 18, Oct, 2013, pp 183-192. Sophia Antipolis, France.
The Carousel-EDF Scheduling Algorithm for Multiprocessor Systems CISTER-TR-130401 
Paulo Baltarejo Sousa, Pedro Souto, Eduardo Tovar, Konstantinos Bletsas19th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2013), IEEE. 19 to 21, Aug, 2013, pp 12-21. Taipei, Taiwan.
How many are you (an approach for the smart dust world)? CISTER-TR-130802 
Michele Albano, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo TovarIEEE 1st International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems, Networks, and Applications (CPSNA 2013). 19, Aug, 2013, pp 101-105. Taipei, Taiwan.
A Self-Adaptive Approximate Interpolation Scheme for Dense Sensing CISTER-TR-140512 
Maryam Vahabi, Eduardo Tovar, Michele AlbanoWork in Progress Session, IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES 2013), IEEE. 19, Jun, 2013, pp 105-109. Porto, Portugal.
Dynamic Cluster Scheduling for Cluster-tree WSNs CISTER-TR-130205 
Ricardo Severino, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo TovarIEEE 16th International Symposium on Object/Component/Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing 2013 (ISORC 2013). 17 to 19, Jun, 2013. Paderborn, Germany.
A Sensing Platform for High Visibility of the Datacenter CISTER-TR-130502 
João Loureiro, Nuno Pereira, Pedro José Santos, Eduardo Tovar4th International Workshop on Networks of Cooperating Objects for Smart Cities 2013 (CONET/UBICITEC 2013). 8, Apr, 2013. Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A..
The Generalized Multiprocessor Periodic Resource Interface Model for Hierarchical Multiprocessor Scheduling HURRAY-TR-121002 
Artem Burmyakov, Enrico Bini, Eduardo Tovar
ABSTRACTPDFPDF Additional Files: Zip ArchiveMatlab tool to compute the GMPR interface.
20th International Conference on Real-Time and Network Systems (RTNS 2012), ACM. 8 to 9, Nov, 2012, pp 131-139. Pont à Mousson, France.
Building a Microscope for the Data Center HURRAY-TR-120704 
Nuno Pereira, Stefano Tennina, Eduardo Tovar7th International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems and Applications (WASA 2012). 8 to 10, Aug, 2012. Yellow Mountains, China.Best Paper Award
Networked Embedded Systems for Active Flow Control in Aircraft HURRAY-TR-120702 
Eduardo Tovar, Nuno Pereira, Iain Bate, Leandro Indrusiak, Sérgio Penna, José Negrão, Júlio C. Viana, François Philipp, Dirk Mayer, José Heras, Filipe Pacheco, João Loureiro11th International Workshop on Real-Time Networks (RTN 2012). 10, Jul, 2012. Pisa, Italy.
CoS: A New Perspective of Operating Systems Design for the Cyber-Physical World HURRAY-TR-120703 
Vikram Gupta, Eduardo Tovar, Nuno PereiraOperating Systems Platforms for Embedded Real-Time Applications Workshop (OSPERT 2012). 10, Jul, 2012. Pisa, Italy.
Inter-application Redundancy Elimination in Sensor Networks with Compiler-Assisted Scheduling VG-CAS-11 SIES-RED-2012 
Vikram Gupta, Eduardo Tovar, Karthik Lakshmanan, Raj Rajkumar7th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES 2012). 20 to 22, Jun, 2012, pp 112-119. Karlsruhe, Germany.
On the implementation of real-time slot-based task-splitting scheduling algorithms for multiprocessor systems HURRAY-TR-110903 
Paulo Baltarejo Sousa, Konstantinos Bletsas, Eduardo Tovar, Björn Andersson13th Real-Time Linux Workshop. 20 to 22, Oct, 2011, pp 207-218. Prague, Czechia.
An Explicit GTS Allocation Algorithm for IEEE 802.15.4 HURRAY-TR-120901 
Jianxin Chen, Luis Lino Ferreira, Eduardo Tovar16th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2011), IEEE. 5 to 9, Sep, 2011, pp 1-8. Toulouse, France.
A Framework for Programming Sensor Networks with Scheduling and Resource-Sharing Optimizations HURRAY-TR-110605 
Vikram Gupta, Eduardo Tovar, Karthik Lakshmanan, Raj Rajkumar1st International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems, Networks, and Applications (CPSNA 2011), IEEE. 28, Aug, 2011, pp 37-40. Toyama, Japan.Invited paper
Practical Aspects of Slot-Based Task-Splitting Dispatching in its Schedulability Analysis HURRAY-TR-110404 
Paulo Baltarejo Sousa, Konstantinos Bletsas, Björn Andersson, Eduardo Tovar17th International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2011), IEEE. 28 to 31, Aug, 2011, 1, pp 224-230. Toyama, Japan.
Nano-CF: A Coordination Framework for Macro-programming in Wireless Sensor Networks HURRAY-TR-110603 
Vikram Gupta, Junsung Kim, Aditi Pandya, Karthik Lakshmanan, Raj Rajkumar, Eduardo Tovar8th Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (SECON 2011), IEEE. 29, Jun, 2011, pp 467-475. Salt Lake City, UT, U.S.A..
Implementing Slot-Based Task-Splitting Multiprocessor Scheduling HURRAY-TR-110704 
Paulo Baltarejo Sousa, Björn Andersson, Eduardo Tovar6th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES 11), IEEE. 15 to 17, Jun, 2011, pp 256-265. Vasteras, Sweden.
sMapReduce: A Programming Pattern for Wireless Sensor Networks HURRAY-TR-110604 
Vikram Gupta, Eduardo Tovar, Luis Miguel Pinho, Junsung Kim, Karthik Lakshmanan, Raj Rajkumar2nd International Workshop on Software Engineering for Sensor Network Applications (SESENA 2011), ACM New York. 21 to 28, May, 2011, pp 37-42. Waikiki, U.S.A..In conjunction with ICSE 2011
Scalable Data Acquisition for Densely Instrumented Cyber-Physical Systems HURRAY-TR-110111 
Aida Ehyaei, Eduardo Tovar, Nuno Pereira, Björn AnderssonIEEE/ACM International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS 2011), IEEE. 12 to 14, Apr, 2011, pp 174-183. Chicago, IL, U.S.A..
Challenges and Design Principles for Implementing Slot-Based Task-Splitting Multiprocessor Scheduling HURRAY-TR-100911 
Paulo Baltarejo Sousa, Björn Andersson, Eduardo Tovar31st IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2010). 30, Nov to 3, Dec, 2010, Work-In-Progress Session. San Diego, U.S.A..
A Wireless Sensor Network Platform for Structural Health Monitoring: enabling accurate and synchronized measurements through COTS+custom-based design HURRAY-TR-100909 
Ricardo Severino, Ricardo F. T. Gomes, Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar, Rafael Aguilar, Paulo Lourenço, Paulo Gandra de Sousa5th IFAC International Conference on Management and Control of Production and Logistics. 8 to 10, Sep, 2010, Workshop "Applications of Wireless Sensor Networks". Coimbra, Portugal.Invited paper
Using a Prioritized MAC Protocol to Execute the Database Operation Join in Networked Embedded Computer Systems HURRAY-TR-100506 
Björn Andersson, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo Tovar, Filipe Pacheco8th IEEE Workshop on Intelligent Solutions in Embedded Systems (WISES 2010), IEEE. 8 to 9, Jul, 2010, pp 49-54. Heraklion, Greece.
On the Capacity of Cluster-tree ZigBee Networks HURRAY-TR-091202 
Petr Jurcik, Anis Koubâa, Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar4th International Conference on COGnitive systems with Interactive Sensors (COGIS). 16 to 18, Nov, 2009. Paris, France.
Operational Modal Monitoring of Ancient Structures using Wireless Technology HURRAY-TR-091107 
Rafael Aguilar, Luis Ramos, Paulo Lourenço, Ricardo Severino, Ricardo F. T. Gomes, Paulo Gandra de Sousa, Mário Alves, Eduardo TovarInternational Modal Analysis Conference & Exposition on Structural Dynamics (IMAC-XXVIII). 11, Nov, 2009. Jacksonville, U.S.A..
The Utilization Bound of Non-Preemptive Rate-Monotonic Scheduling in Controller Area Networks is 25 percent HURRAY-TR-090902 
Björn Andersson, Eduardo TovarSIES 2009, IEEE Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems. 8 to 10, Jul, 2009. Lausanne, Switzerland.
Improving the Reliability of WiDom in a Single Broadcast Domain HURRAY-TR-090610 
Nuno Pereira, Björn Andersson, Eduardo Tovar, Paulo Manuel Martins de CarvalhoWork in Progress Session, IEEE Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES'09), IEEE. 8 to 10, Jul, 2009, pp 144-147. Lausanne, Switzerland.
Using a Prioritized Medium Access Control Protocol for Incrementally Obtaining an Interpolation of Sensor Readings HURRAY-TR-090704 
Björn Andersson, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo Tovar, Ricardo F. T. Gomes7th Workshop on Intelligent Solutions in Embedded Systems (WISES'09), IEEE. 25 to 26, Jun, 2009, pp 29-36. Ancona, Italy.
H-NAMe: A Hidden-Node Avoidance Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks HURRAY-TR-090802 
Anis Koubâa, Ricardo Severino, Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar8th IFAC International Conference on Fieldbuses and Networks in Industrial and Embedded Systems (FET'09). 20 to 22, May, 2009, 8, pp 10-19. Ansan, South Korea.
Efficient Aggregate Computations in Large-Scale Dense WSN HURRAY-TR-081101 
Nuno Pereira, Ricardo F. T. Gomes, Björn Andersson, Eduardo Tovar15th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS 2009), IEEE. 13 to 16, Apr, 2009, pp 317-326. San Francisco, CA, U.S.A..
Real-Time Communications over Cluster-Tree Sensor Networks with Mobile Sink Behaviour HURRAY-TR-080801 
Petr Jurcik, Ricardo Severino, Anis Koubâa, Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar14th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2008), IEEE. 25 to 27, Aug, 2008, pp 401-412. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
How a Cyber-Physical System can Efficiently Obtain a Snapshot of Physical Information Even in the Presence of Sensor Faults HURRAY-TR-090201 
Björn Andersson, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo TovarSixth Workshop on Intelligent Solutions in Embedded Systems (WISES'08), IEEE. 10 to 11, Jul, 2008, pp 1-10. Regensburg, Germany.
Highly Scalable Aggregate Computations in Cyber-Physical Systems: Physical Environment Meets Communication Protocols HURRAY-TR-090203 
Eduardo Tovar, Björn Andersson, Nuno Pereira, Mário Alves, Shashi Prabh, Filipe Pacheco7th International Workshop on Real-Time Networks (RTN'08). 1, Jul, 2008. Prague, Czechia.
Static-Priority Scheduling over Wireless Networks with Multiple Broadcast Domains HURRAY-TR-070118 
Nuno Pereira, Björn Andersson, Anthony Rowe, Eduardo Tovar28th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS'07), IEEE. 3 to 6, Dec, 2007, pp 447-458. Tucson, U.S.A..
A Simulation Model for the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol: Delay/Throughput Evaluation of the GTS Mechanism HURRAY-TR-071001 
Petr Jurcik, Anis Koubâa, Eduardo Tovar, Zdeněk Hanzálek, Mário AlvesMASCOTS´07, 15th IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems. 24 to 26, Oct, 2007, pp 109-116. Istambul, Türkiye.
A Two-Competitive Approximate Schedulability Analysis of CAN HURRAY-TR-070625 
Björn Andersson, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo Tovar12th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'07), IEEE. 25 to 28, Sep, 2007, pp 1400-1403. Patras, Greece.
Exploiting a Prioritized MAC Protocol to Efficiently Compute Interpolations HURRAY-TR-070630 
Björn Andersson, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo Tovar12th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'07), IEEE. 25 to 28, Sep, 2007, pp 1100-1106. Patras, Greece.
Exact Analysis of TDMA with Slot Skipping HURRAY-TR-070608 
Nuno Pereira, Björn Andersson, Eduardo Tovar13th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA'07), IEEE. 21 to 24, Aug, 2007, pp 63-72. Daegu, South Korea.
Competitive Analysis of Static-Priority Partitioned Scheduling on Uniform Multiprocessors HURRAY-TR-070802 
Björn Andersson, Eduardo Tovar13th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA'07), IEEE. 21 to 24, Aug, 2007, pp 111-119. Daegu, South Korea.
Preliminary Discussion on Globally Prioritized Medium Access for Multi-Channel Wireless Systems HURRAY-TR-070415 
Björn Andersson, Eduardo Tovar, Nuno Pereira6th Intl Workshop on Real Time Networks (RTN'07). 3, Jul, 2007. Pisa, Italy.
Exploiting a Prioritized MAC Protocol to Efficiently Compute Min and Max in Multihop Networks HURRAY-TR-070502 
Björn Andersson, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo Tovar5th Workshop on Intelligent Solutions in Embedded Systems (WISES '07), IEEE. 21 to 22, Jun, 2007, pp 239-249. Madrid, Spain.
Delay-Bounded Medium Access for Unidirectional Wireless Links HURRAY-TR-070103 
Björn Andersson, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo Tovar15th International Conference on Real-Time and Network Systems (RTNS 2007). 29 to 30, Mar, 2007. Nancy, France.
Competitive Analysis of Partitioned Scheduling on Uniform Multiprocessors HURRAY-TR-070101 
Björn Andersson, Eduardo Tovar15th International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems (WPDRTS'07). 26 to 27, Mar, 2007. Long Beach, U.S.A..
Modelling and Worst-Case Dimensioning of Cluster-Tree Wireless Sensor Networks HURRAY-TR-061004 
Anis Koubâa, Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar27th IEEE Real-time Systems Symposium (RTSS’06), IEEE. 5, Dec, 2006, pp 412-421. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
Multiprocessor Scheduling with Few Preemptions HURRAY-TR-060811 
Björn Andersson, Eduardo Tovar12th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA'06), IEEE. 16 to 18, Aug, 2006, pp 322-334. Sydney, Australia.
Implementation of a Dominance Protocol for Wireless Medium Access HURRAY-TR-060802 
Björn Andersson, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo Tovar12th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA'06), IEEE. 16 to 18, Aug, 2006, pp 162-172. Sydney, Australia.
Using a Prioritized MAC Protocol to Efficiently Compute Aggregated Quantities HURRAY-TR-060703 
Björn Andersson, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo Tovar5th Intl Workshop on Real Time Networks (RTN'06). 5 to 7, Jul, 2006, pp 17-22. Dresden, Germany.
i-GAME: An Implicit GTS Allocation Mechanism in IEEE 802.15.4 HURRAY-TR-060706 
Anis Koubâa, Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar18th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS’06), IEEE. 5 to 7, Jul, 2006, pp 183-192. Dresden, Germany.
A Comprehensive Simulation Study of Slotted CSMA/CA for IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Networks HURRAY-TR-060601 
Anis Koubâa, Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar5th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2006), IEEE. 28 to 30, Jun, 2006, pp 183-192. Torino, Italy.
GTS Allocation Analysis in IEEE 802.15.4 for Real-Time Wireless Sensor Networks HURRAY-TR-060404 
Anis Koubâa, Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar14th International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems (WPDRTS’06). 1, Apr, 2006. Rhodes Island, Greece.Special track on Wireless Sensor Networks.
Static-Priority Scheduling of Sporadic Messages on a Wireless Channel HURRAY-TR-051203 
Björn Andersson, Eduardo Tovar9th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS 2005), Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 12, Dec, 2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3974, pp 322-333. Pisa, Italy.
Analysing TDMA with Slot Skipping HURRAY-TR-051201 
Björn Andersson, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo Tovar26th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, IEEE. 8, Dec, 2005, pp 10-24. Miami Beach, U.S.A..
Disseminating Data Using Broadcast when Topology is Unknown HURRAY-TR-051202 
Björn Andersson, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo Tovar26th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium. 8, Dec, 2005, Work-In-Progress Session, pp 61-64. Miami Beach, U.S.A..
The Influence of Inter-domain Mobility on Message Stream Response Time in Wired/Wireless PROFIBUS-based Networks HURRAY-TR-051104 
Luis Lino Ferreira, Eduardo Tovar6th International Conference on Fieldbus Systems and their Application, Elsevier. 14, Nov, 2005, pp 135-142. Puebla, Mexico.
Queuing and Routing in a Hierarchical Powerline Communication System HURRAY-TR-050901 
Filipe Pacheco, Luis Miguel Pinho, Eduardo Tovar10th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'05), IEEE. 19, Sep, 2005, 2, pp 8-66. Catania, Italy.
INDEPTH: Timeliness Assessment of Ethernet/IP-based Systems HURRAY-TR-0433 
Nuno Pereira, Luis Miguel Pinho, Eduardo Tovar12th International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS'04), IEEE. 4, Oct, 2004, pp 192-201. Volendam, Netherlands.
A Few What-Ifs on Using Statistical Analysis of Stochastic Simulation Runs to Extract Timeliness Properties HURRAY-TR-0419 
Berta Batista, Ian Broster, Nuno Pereira, Luis Miguel Pinho, Eduardo Tovar1st International Workshop on Probabilistic Analysis Techniques for Real-Time Systems (PARTES '04). 26, Sep, 2004. Piza, Italy.
Timing Analysis of a Multiple Logical Ring Wired/Wireless PROFIBUS Network HURRAY-TR-0426 
Luis Lino Ferreira, Eduardo Tovar5th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS04). 22, Sep, 2004, pp 81-90. Vienna, Austria.
Timeliness in COTS Factory-Floor Distributed Systems: What Role for Simulation? HURRAY-TR-0428 
Nuno Pereira, Luis Miguel Pinho, Eduardo Tovar5th IEEE Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS '04). 1, Sep, 2004, pp 13-21. Vienna, Austria.
Timing Analysis of an Inter-Cell Mobility Procedure for a Wired/Wireless PROFIBUS Network HURRAY-TR-0427 
Luis Lino Ferreira, Eduardo Tovar10th International Conference on Real-Time and Embedded Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA04). 25, Aug, 2004. Gotemburgo, Sweden.
Ethernet-based Systems: Contributions to the Holistic Analysis HURRAY-TR-0418 
Nuno Pereira, Luis Miguel Pinho, Eduardo TovarWork in Progress Session, 16th Euromicro Conference on Real-time Systems (ECRTS '04). 30, Jun, 2004, pp 25-28. Catania, Italy.
Enabling Inter-Domain Transactions in Bridge-Based Hybrid Wired/Wireless PROFIBUS Networks HURRAY-TR-0310 
Luis Lino Ferreira, Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar9th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'03), IEEE. 16, Sep, 2003, 1, pp 15-22. Lisboa, Portugal.
Bringing Industrial Multimedia to the Factory-Floor: What is at stake with RFieldbus HURRAY-TR-0311 
Filipe Pacheco, Mário Alves, Luis Miguel Pinho, Eduardo Tovar5th IFAC International Conference on Fieldbus Systems and their Applications (FET '03). 7, Jul, 2003, pp 131-138. Aveiro, Portugal.
PROFIBUS Protocol Extensions for Enabling Inter-Cell Mobility in Bridge-Based Hybrid Wired/Wireless networks HURRAY-TR-0309 
Luis Lino Ferreira, Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar5th IFAC International Conference on Fieldbus Systems and their Applications (FET '03). 7, Jul, 2003, pp 283-290. Aveiro, Portugal.
Engineering Hybrid Wired/Wireless Fieldbus Networks - a case study HURRAY-TR-0308 
Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar, Luis Miguel Marques, Steve Behaeghel, Katrijn Van Nieuwenhuyse2nd International Workshop on Real-Time LANs in the Internet Age (RTLIA03). 1, Jul, 2003. Porto, Portugal.
Position Paper on Time and Event-triggered Communication Services in the Context of e-Manufacturing HURRAY-TR-0219 
Eduardo Tovar, Luis Miguel Pinho, Luís AlmeidaIEEE Workshop on Large Scale Real-Time and Embedded Systems (LARTES 2002). 5, Dec, 2002. Austin, U.S.A..Satellite Event to the RTSS 2002
Industrial Multimedia put into Practice HURRAY-TR-0218 
Filipe Pacheco, Nuno Pereira, Bertil Marques, Sandra Machado, Luis Miguel Marques, Luis Miguel Pinho, Eduardo Tovar7th CaberNet Radicals Workshop. 13, Oct, 2002. Bertinoro - Forlì, Italy.
Hybrid Wired/Wireless PROFIBUS Networks Supported by Bridges/Routers HURRAY-TR-0214 
Luis Lino Ferreira, Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar4th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS'2002), IEEE. 27, Aug, 2002, pp 193-202. Vasteras, Sweden.
Evaluating Worst-Case Response Time in Mono and Multi-Master Profibus-DP Networks HURRAY-TR-0221 
Salvatore Cavalieri, Salvatore Monforte, Francisco Vasques, Eduardo Tovar4th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS'2002), IEEE. 27, Aug, 2002, pp 233-240. Vasteras, Sweden.
Multi-Master Profibus-DP Modelling and Worst-Case Analysis Based Evaluation HURRAY-TR-0220 
Salvatore Cavalieri, Salvatore Monforte, Francisco Vasques, Eduardo Tovar15th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, International Federation of Automatic Control. 21, Jul, 2002, 15, pp 57-57. Barcelona, Spain.
QoS of IP Services in a Fieldbus Network: on the Limitations and Possible Improvements HURRAY-TR-0210 
Luis Lino Ferreira, Eduardo TovarWork in Progress Session, 14th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2002). 19, Jun, 2002. Vienna, Austria.
Workload Balancing in Distributed Virtual Reality Environments HURRAY-TR-0212 
Michael Ditze, Filipe Pacheco, Berta Batista, Eduardo Tovar, Peter Altenbernd1st Intl. Workshop on Real-Time LANs in the Internet Age. 18, Jun, 2002. Vienna, Austria.Satellite Event to the 14th Euromicro Conference on Real- Time Systems
Real-Time Communications over Hybrid Wired/Wireless PROFIBUS-based Networks HURRAY-TR-0202 
Gerhard Hammer, Klaus Roether, Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar, Francisco Vasques14th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS'02), IEEE. 1, Jun, 2002, pp 142-151. Vienna, Austria.
User-interface Technologies for the Industrial Environment: Towards the Cyber-factory HURRAY-TR-020201 
Filipe Pacheco, Eduardo Tovar6th CaberNet Radicals Workshop Proceedings. 25, Feb, 2002. Funchal, Portugal.
Evaluating the Duration of Message Transactions in Broadcast Wired/Wireless Fieldbus Networks HURRAY-TR-0121 
Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar, Francisco Vasques27th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON'01), IEEE. 29, Nov, 2001, 1, pp 243-248. Denver, U.S.A..
On the Adaptation of Broadcast Transactions in Token-Passing Fieldbus Networks with Heterogeneous Transmission Media HURRAY-TR-0120 
Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar, Francisco Vasques4th IFAC International Conference on Fieldbus Systems and Their Applications (FET'2001). 15, Nov, 2001, pp 278-284. Nancy, France.
Supporting Internet Protocols in Master-Slave Fieldbus Networks HURRAY-TR-0119 
Filipe Pacheco, Eduardo Tovar, Athanassios Kalogeras, Nuno Pereira4th IFAC International Conference on Fieldbus Systems and Their Applications (FET'2001). 15, Nov, 2001, pp 260-266. Nancy, France.
Scheduling IP TRaffic in Multimedia Enabled PROFIBUS Networks HURRAY-TR-0129 
Sandra Machado, Luis Lino Ferreira, Eduardo Tovar8th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'2001), IEEE. 15, Oct, 2001, 1, pp 169-176. Antibes - Juan les Pins, France.
A High Performance Wireless Fieldbus in Industrial Multimedia-Related Environment HURRAY-TR-0130 
Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar, Filipe Pacheco, Luis Lino Ferreira, Nuno Pereira, Sandra Machado, Veríssimo Brandão Lima4th CaberNet Plenary Workshop. 1, Oct, 2001, pp 9-12. Pisa, Italy.
Industrial Multimedia over Factory-Floor Networks HURRAY-TR-0124 
Eduardo Tovar, Francisco Vasques, Filipe Pacheco, Luis Lino Ferreira10th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM ’01). 20, Sep, 2001. Vienna, Austria.
Designing Real-Time Systems Based on Mono Master Profibus-DP Networks HURRAY-TR-0013 
Salvatore Monforte, Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar, Francisco Vasques16th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Computer Control Systems (DCCS'2000). 29, Nov, 2000, pp 36-43. Sydney, Australia.
Distributed Computer-Controlled Systems: the DEAR-COTS approach HURRAY-TR-0021 
Paulo Veríssimo, António Casimiro, Luis Rodrigues, Luis Miguel Pinho, Eduardo Tovar, Francisco Vasques16th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Computer Control Systems (DCCS'2000), Pergamon. 29, Nov, 2000, pp 128-135. Sydney, Australia.
Engineering Real-Time Applications with WorldFIP: analysis and tools HURRAY-TR-9912 
Eduardo Tovar, Francisco Vasques, Luis Miguel Pinho4th IFAC International Symposium on Intelligent Components and Instruments for Control Applications (SICICA'2000), Pergamon. 13, Sep, 2000, pp 297-302. Buenos Aires.
Integrating Inacessibility in Response Time Analysis of CAN Networks HURRAY-TR-0004 
Luis Miguel Pinho, Eduardo Tovar, Francisco Vasques3rd IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS'2000), IEEE. 6, Sep, 2000, pp 77-84. Porto, Portugal.
Fieldbus Networks: Real-Time from the Perspective of the Application Tasks HURRAY-TR-0011 
André Mendes, Luis Lino Ferreira, Eduardo Tovar3rd IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS'2000), IEEE. 6, Sep, 2000, pp 275-282. Porto, Portugal.
CIDER: Envisaging a COTS Communication Infrastructure for Evolutionary Dependable Real-Time Systems HURRAY-TR-0015 
Gerhard Fohler, Giorgio Buttazzo, Mário Alves, Eduardo TovarWork in Progress Session, 12th IEEE Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (RTS’00). 19, Jun, 2000, pp 19-22. Stockholm, Sweden.
Non Pre-Emptive Scheduling of Messages on SMTV Token-Passing Networks HURRAY-TR-9924 
Eduardo Tovar, Francisco Vasques12th IEEE Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems. 19, Jun, 2000, pp 209-218. Stockholm, Sweden.
Using WorldFIP Networks to Support Periodic and Sporadic Traffic HURRAY-TR-9921 
Eduardo Tovar, Francisco Vasques25th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON'99), IEEE. 29, Nov, 1999, 3, pp 1216-1221. San José, U.S.A..
Guaranteeing DCCS Timing Requirements Using P-NET Networks HURRAY-TR-9920 
Artur Cardoso, Eduardo Tovar, Francisco Vasques7th IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'99), IEEE. 18, Oct, 1999, 2, pp 831-840. Barcelona, Spain.
Analysis of the Worst-Case Real Token Rotation Time in Profibus Networks HURRAY-TR-9919 
Eduardo Tovar, Francisco Vasques3rd International Conference on Fieldbus Systems and their Applications (FET'99), Springer Vienna. 23 to 24, Sep, 1999, 9, pp 359-366. Magdeburg, Germany.
Contributions to the Worst-Case Response Time Analysis of Real-Time Sporadic Traffic in WorldFIP Networks HURRAY-TR-9910 
Eduardo Tovar, Francisco VasquesWork in Progress Session, 11th IEEE Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (RTS’99). 9, Jun, 1999, pp 17-20. York, United Kingdom.
Adding Local Priority-Based Dispatching Mechanisms to P-NET Networks: a Fixed Priority Approach HURRAY-TR-9907 
Alan Burns, Eduardo Tovar, Francisco Vasques11th IEEE Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, IEEE Computer Society. 9, Jun, 1999, pp 175-184. York, United Kingdom.
Engineering Real-Time Applications with P-NET Networks HURRAY-TR-9915 
Eduardo Tovar, Francisco Vasques6th P-NET Conference. May 1999. Vienna, Austria.
From Task Scheduling in Single Processor Environments to Message Scheduling in a Profibus Fieldbus Network HURRAY-TR-9902 
Eduardo Tovar, Francisco Vasques7th International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems (WPDRTS'99). Apr 1999. San Juan, Puerto Rico.Also Published as Lecture Notes on Computer Science by Springer-Verlag, No. 1586, April 1999, pp. 339-352.
Evaluating P-NET Message's Response Time with Fixed Priority Queuing at Application Process Level HURRAY-TR-9821 
Alan Burns, Eduardo Tovar, Francisco VasquesWork in Progress Session, 19th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS'98). 4, Dec, 1998, pp 19-22. Madrid, Spain.Also Available as Technical Report UNL-CSE-98-002 from University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Setting Target Rotation Time in Profibus Based Real-Time Distributed Applications HURRAY-TR-9807 
Eduardo Tovar, Francisco Vasques15th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Computer Control Systems (DCCS'98). 9, Sep, 1998, pp 1-6. Como, Italy.Published as Distributed Computer Control Systems 1998 by Elsevier Science, January 1999
Pre-Run-Time Schedulability Analysis of P-NET Fieldbus Networks HURRAY-TR-9805 
Eduardo Tovar, Francisco Vasques24th IEEE Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON'98), IEEE IES. 31, Aug, 1998, 1, pp 236-241. Aachen, Germany.
A Communication Support for Real-Time Distributed Computer Controlled Systems HURRAY-TR-9809 
Eduardo Tovar, Francisco VasquesIEE International Workshop Discrete Event Systems (WODES'98). 26, Aug, 1998, pp 178-183. Cagliari, Italy.
Guaranteeing Real-Time Message Deadlines in Profibus Networks HURRAY-TR-9804 
Francisco Vasques, Eduardo Tovar10th Euromicro Workshop on Real-Time Systems (RTS98), IEEE Computer Society. 17, Jun, 1998, pp 79-86. Berlin, Germany.
Enhancing P-NET Real-Time Properties Using Priority Queuing Mechanisms HURRAY-TR-9808 
Eduardo Tovar, Francisco VasquesWork in Progress Session, 4th IEEE Real-Time Technologies and Applications Symposium. 3, Jun, 1998, pp 27-30. Denver, U.S.A..Also Available as Technical Report BUCS-TR-98-013 from Boston University, USA.
Scheduling Real-Time Communications with P-NET HURRAY-TR-9802 
Eduardo Tovar, Francisco VasquesIEE Colloquium on Real-Time Systems, IET. 21, Apr, 1998, Digest 98/306, pp 9/1-9/5. York, United Kingdom.
Conference or Workshop Posters/Demos
A Practical Secret Key Management for Multihop Drone Relay Systems based on Bluetooth Low Energy CISTER-TR-210601 
Kai Li, Ning Lu, Jingjing Zheng, Pei Zhang, Wei Ni, Eduardo TovarDemo in International Conference on Sensing, Communication and Networking (SECON). 6 to 9, Jul, 2021, Demo. Virtual conference.
Towards a Realistic Simulation Framework for Vehicular Platooning Applications CISTER-TR-190406 
Bruno Vieira, Ricardo Severino, Anis Koubâa, Eduardo TovarDemo in 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Real-Time Computing (ISORC 2019). 7 to 9, May, 2019. Valencia.
Run-Time Monitoring Environments for Real-Time and Safety Critical Systems CISTER-TR-160208 
Geoffrey Nelissen, Humberto Carvalho, David Pereira, Eduardo TovarDemo in Demo Session, 22nd IEEE Real-Time Embedded Technology & Applications Symposium (RTAS 2016). 11 to 14, Apr, 2016. Austria.
Automated resource allocation for T-Res CISTER-TR-160209 
Shashank Gaur, Raghu R., Eduardo Tovar
ABSTRACTPDFPDF Additional Files: PDFPoster
Demo in Demo Session, 15th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '16). 11 to 14, Apr, 2016. Vienna.
A module for the XDense architecture in ns-3 CISTER-TR-150409 
João Loureiro, Michele Albano, Tiago Cerqueira, Raghu R., Eduardo Tovar
ABSTRACTPDFPDF Additional Files: PDFPresentation
Demo in Workshop on ns-3 (WNS3 2015). 13 to 14, May, 2015. Castelldefels, Spain.
Modelling Avionics Applications with CONCERTO CISTER-TR-141211 
Andrea Baldovin, Alessandro Zovi, Eduardo Tovar, Geoffrey Nelissen, Tullio VardanegaDemo in RTSS@Work 2014 ­Open Demo Session of Real­Time Systems, IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2014). 2 to 5, Dec, 2014. Rome, Italy.
Demonstrating H-NAMe - A Hidden-Node Avoidance Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks HURRAY-TR-090206 
Ricardo Severino, Anis Koubâa, Mário Alves, Eduardo TovarDemo in 1st European TinyOS Technology Exchange (ETTX'09). 1, Feb, 2009. Cork, Ireland.
Exploring Visual Explanations for Defending Federated Learning against Poisoning Attacks CISTER-TR-240902 
Jingjing Zheng, Kai Li, Xin Yuan, Wei Ni, Eduardo TovarPoster presented in The 30th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom 2024). 2024. Washington, D.C., U.S.A..
Quality of Service of IM Approaches under Saturated Traffic CISTER-TR-230406 
Radha Reddy, Luís Almeida, Pedro Miguel Santos, Eduardo TovarPoster presented in 25th Euro Working Group on Transportation Meeting (EWGT 2023) (EWGT 2023). 2023, Poster. Santander, Spain.
Complex Intersections with a Dedicated Road Lane per Crossing Direction CISTER-TR-230602 
Radha Reddy, Luís Almeida, Pedro Miguel Santos, Eduardo TovarPoster presented in Doctoral Congress in Engineering (DCE 2023). 2023. Porto, Portugal.
Synchronous Framework Extended for Complex Intersections CISTER-TR-210302 
Radha Reddy, Luís Almeida, Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Pedro Miguel Santos, Eduardo TovarPoster presented in 24th Euro Working Group on Transportation Meeting (EWGT 2021). 8 to 10, Sep, 2021. Aveiro, Portugal.
Sustainability Analysis of Complex Multi-Lane Intelligent Signalized Intersections CISTER-TR-210602 
Radha Reddy, Luís Almeida, Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Pedro Miguel Santos, Eduardo TovarPoster presented in Doctoral Congress in Engineering (DCE21). 2021, SECE. Porto, Portugal.
Impact of Intersection Management on Energy-Efficiency when Mixing Electric and Combustion Vehicles CISTER-TR-200706 
Radha Reddy, Luís Almeida, Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Pedro Miguel Santos, Eduardo TovarPoster presented in 23rd EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting (EWGT 2020). 16 to 18, Sep, 2020, PhD Forum. Paphos, Cyprus.PhD Forum Abstract at EWGT2020
Synchronous Intersection Management to Reduce Time Loss CISTER-TR-200403 
Radha Reddy, Luís Almeida, Eduardo TovarPoster presented in 23rd EURO Working Group on Transportation (EWGT 2020). 16 to 18, Sep, 2020. Paphos, Cyprus.
Multi-Drone Assisted Internet of Things Testbed Based on Bluetooth 5 Communications CISTER-TR-200205 
Kai Li, Ning Lu, Pei Zhang, Wei Ni, Eduardo TovarPoster presented in 19th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2020). 21 to 24, Apr, 2020. Online.
Routing Aware DSME Networks CISTER-TR-190602 
Harrison Kurunathan, Ricardo Severino, Anis Koubâa, Eduardo TovarPoster presented in 3rd Doctoral Congress in Engineering (DCE 2019). 27 to 28, Jun, 2019. Porto, Portugal.Best oral communication Award (in ex aequo)
An Intersection Management Protocol for Mixed Autonomous and Legacy Vehicles CISTER-TR-190603 
Radha Reddy, Luís Almeida, Eduardo TovarPoster presented in 3rd Doctoral Congress in Engineering (DCE 2019). 27 to 28, Jun, 2019. Porto, Portugal.
Automatic Allocation of Tasks in T-Res for WSN CISTER-TR-190604 
Shashank Gaur, Luís Almeida, Eduardo TovarPoster presented in 3rd Doctoral Congress in Engineering (DCE 2019). 27 to 28, Jun, 2019. Porto, Portugal.
Poster Abstract: Privacy-preserving Control Message Dissemination for PVCPS CISTER-TR-190203 
Kai Li, Yousef Emami, Eduardo Tovar
ABSTRACT Additional Files: PDFPoster
Poster presented in 18th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2019). 16 to 18, Apr, 2019. Montreal, Canada.
XDense: A Dense Grid Sensor Network for Distributed Feature Extraction CISTER-TR-180414 
João Loureiro, Raghu R., Eduardo TovarPoster presented in Cyber-Physical Systems Week (CPS Week 2018). 10 to 13, Apr, 2018, CPS Student Forum Portugal. Porto, Portugal.
Towards Timing Analysis of Multi-core Platforms for Hard Real-Time Systems CISTER-TR-180402 
Syed Aftab Rashid, Geoffrey Nelissen, Eduardo TovarPoster presented in Cyber-Physical Systems Week (CPS Week 2018). 10 to 13, Apr, 2018, CPS Student Forum Portugal. Porto, Portugal.
Bringing Context-awareness to wireless sensor networks CISTER-TR-180407 
Shashank Gaur, Raghu R., Eduardo TovarPoster presented in Cyber-Physical Systems Week (CPS Week 2018). 10 to 13, Apr, 2018, CPS Student Forum Portugal. Porto, Portugal.
Cooperative Key Generation For Data Dissemination in Cyber-Physical Systems CISTER-TR-180207 
Kai Li, Harrison Kurunathan, Ricardo Severino, Eduardo Tovar
ABSTRACT Additional Files: PDFPoster
Poster presented in Work in Progress Session, ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS 2018). 10 to 13, Apr, 2018. Porto, Portugal.Electronic ISBN: 978-1-5386-5301-2
An Efficient approach to Multisuperframe tuning for DSME networks CISTER-TR-180208 
Harrison Kurunathan, Ricardo Severino, Anis Koubâa, Eduardo Tovar
ABSTRACTPDFPDF Additional Files: PDFPoster
Poster presented in ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2018). 10 to 13, Apr, 2018. Porto, Portugal.ISBN: 978-1-5386-5298-5
Embedded Multi-Core systems for Mixed Criticality applications in dynamic and changeable real-time environments CISTER-TR-151209 
Eduardo TovarPoster presented in 28th GI/ITG International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS 2015). 24 to 27, Mar, 2015. Portugal.
Towards the Development of XDense, A Sensor Network for Dense Sensing CISTER-TR-150306 
João Loureiro, Raghu R., Eduardo TovarPoster presented in 12th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2015). 9 to 11, Feb, 2015, pp 23-24. Porto, Portugal.
A Modular Programming Approach for IoT-Based Wireless Sensor Networks CISTER-TR-150105 
Shashank Gaur, Nuno Pereira, Vikram Gupta, Eduardo TovarPoster presented in 12th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Network (EWSN 2015). 9 to 11, Feb, 2015. Porto, Portugal.
Resource Sharing Under a Server-based Semi Partitioned Scheduling Approach CISTER-TR-141011 
Alexandre Esper, Eduardo TovarPoster presented in 22nd International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS 2014). 8 to 10, Oct, 2014. Versailles, France.
A Harmony of Sensors: Achieving Determinism in Multi-Application Sensor Networks CISTER-TR-140623 
Vikram Gupta, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo Tovar, Raj Rajkumar
ABSTRACTPDFPDF Additional Files: PDFPoster Abstract
Poster presented in 13th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN'14). 15 to 17, Apr, 2014, pp 299-300. Berlin, Germany.
From Sensor Networks to Internet of Things: Wireless Sensor Networks as an Infrastructure Technology CISTER-TR-140611 
Vikram Gupta, Eduardo Tovar, Nuno Pereira, Filipe Pacheco, Luis Miguel Pinho, Raj RajkumarPoster presented in 8th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES'13). 19 to 21, Jun, 2013. Porto, Portugal.
Multi-Processor Scheduling: Paradigms and Challenges CISTER-TR-130610 
Geoffrey Nelissen, Gurulingesh Raravi, Konstantinos Bletsas, Vincent Nélis, Dakshina Dasari, Pedro Souto, Eduardo TovarPoster presented in 8th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES'13). 19 to 21, Jun, 2013. Porto, Portugal.
The SmartSkin Project: Densely Instrumented Physical Infrastructures CISTER-TR-140619 
João Loureiro, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo Tovar, Filipe Pacheco, Maryam VahabiPoster presented in 8th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES'13). 19 to 21, Jun, 2013. Porto, Portugal.
Reducing Aircraft Fuel Consumption with WSAN-based Active Flow Control CISTER-TR-140620 
João Loureiro, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo Tovar, Filipe Pacheco, Maryam VahabiPoster presented in CISTER 1st Industrial Workshop on Real-Time and Embedded Systems (CiWork 2013). 18, Jun, 2013. Porto, Portugal.
The SENODS Project: Sustainable ENergy-Optimized Datacenters CISTER-TR-140615 
Nuno Pereira, João Loureiro, Filipe Pacheco, Ricardo Severino, Bruno Saraiva, Pedro Oliveira, Vikram Gupta, Eduardo Tovar, Patrick Meumeu YomsiPoster presented in CISTER 1st Industrial Workshop on Real-Time and Embedded Systems (CiWork 2013). 18, Jun, 2013. Porto, Portugal.
From Sensor Networks to Internet of Things: - A Paradigm for Empowering an Infrastructure Technology CISTER-TR-140526 
Vikram Gupta, Eduardo Tovar, Nuno Pereira, Raj RajkumarPoster presented in CISTER 1st Industrial Workshop on Real-Time and Embedded Systems (CiWork 2013). 18, Jun, 2013. Porto, Portugal.
Enhancing the Real-time Capabilities of the Linux Kernel in Multicore Platforms CISTER-TR-130609 
Paulo Baltarejo Sousa, Konstantinos Bletsas, Eduardo Tovar, Pedro Souto, Nuno PereiraPoster presented in CISTER 1st Industrial Workshop on Real-Time and Embedded Systems (CiWork 2013). 18, Jun, 2013. Portugal.
Enhancing the Real-time Capabilities of the Linux Kernel in Multicore Platforms CISTER-TR-140602 
Konstantinos Bletsas, Eduardo Tovar, Pedro Souto, Nuno Pereira, Paulo Baltarejo SousaPoster presented in CISTER 1st Industrial Workshop on Real-Time and Embedded Systems (CiWork 2013). 18, Jun, 2013. Porto, Portugal.
802.15.4 Technology CISTER-TR-140605 
Hossein Fotouhi, Ricardo Severino, Mário Alves, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo Tovar, Filipe Pacheco, Paulo Gandra de SousaPoster presented in CISTER 1st Industrial Workshop on Real-Time and Embedded Systems (CiWork 2013). 18, Jun, 2013. Porto, Portugal.
Dense Instrumentation of Datacenters for Energy-Efficient Management CISTER-TR-140610 
Nuno Pereira, João Loureiro, Filipe Pacheco, Ricardo Severino, Bruno Saraiva, Pedro Oliveira, Vikram Gupta, Eduardo TovarPoster presented in CISTER 1st Industrial Workshop on Real-Time and Embedded Systems (CiWork 2013). 18, Jun, 2013. Porto, Portugal.
ERIKA and OpenZB: an implementation for real-time wireless networking HURRAY-TR-090306 
Pasquale Pagano, Mona Chitnis, Antonio Romano, Giuseppe Lipari, Ricardo Severino, Mário Alves, Paulo Gandra de Sousa, Eduardo TovarPoster presented in 24th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2009), ACM New York. 9 to 12, Mar, 2009, pp 1687-1688. Honolulu, U.S.A..
An overview of Open-ZB.net - an open-source toolset for IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee HURRAY-TR-090205 
Ricardo Severino, Anis Koubâa, Petr Jurcik, Mário Alves, Eduardo TovarPoster presented in 1st European TinyOS Technology Exchange (ETTX'09). 1, Feb, 2009. Cork, Ireland.
Technical Reports
IPDeN 2.0: Real-time NoC with selective flit deflection and buffering (Appendix) CISTER-TR-230101 
Yilian Ribot, Geoffrey Nelissen, Eduardo Tovar2023.
IPDeN 2.0: Real-time NoC with selective flit deflection and buffering (Appendix) (Technical Report) CISTER-TR-220906 
Yilian Ribot, Geoffrey Nelissen, Eduardo Tovar2022.
IPDeN: Real-Time deflection-based NoC with in-order flits delivery (Appendix) (Technical Report) CISTER-TR-220403 
Yilian Ribot, Geoffrey Nelissen, Eduardo Tovar2022.
Tightening the CRPD Bound for Multilevel non-Inclusive Caches CISTER-TR-211009 
Syed Aftab Rashid, Geoffrey Nelissen, Eduardo Tovar2021.
On-board Deep Q-Network for UAV-assisted Online Power Transfer and Data Collection CISTER-TR-190601 
Kai Li, Wei Ni, Eduardo Tovar2, Jun, 2019.
Technical Report: Techniques and Analysis for Mixed-criticality Scheduling with Mode-dependent Server Execution Budgets CISTER-TR-190202 
Muhammad Ali Awan, Konstantinos Bletsas, Pedro F. Souto, Benny Åkesson, Eduardo Tovar2019.
Mixed-criticality Scheduling with Dynamic Memory Bandwidth Regulation (Long Version) CISTER-TR-180603 
Muhammad Ali Awan, Konstantinos Bletsas, Pedro Souto, Benny Åkesson, Eduardo Tovar28, Aug, 2018.
Energy Efficient Legitimate Wireless Surveillance of UAV Communications CISTER-TR-180802 
Kai Li, Razvan Christian Voicu, Salil S. Kanhere, Wei Ni, Eduardo Tovar2018.
Linear modelling of Boolean functions CISTER-TR-181005 
Kostiantyn Berezovskyi, Konstantinos Bletsas, Eduardo Tovar2018.
Design and Implementation of Secret Key Agreement for Platoon-based Vehicular Cyber-Physical Systems CISTER-TR-181013 
Kai Li, Wei Ni, Yousef Emami, Yiran Shen, Ricardo Severino, David Pereira, Eduardo Tovar2018.
RPL over DSME: A Technical Report CISTER-TR-180110 
Harrison Kurunathan, Ricardo Severino, Anis Koubâa, Eduardo Tovar2018.
Mixed-criticality Scheduling with Dynamic Redistribution of Shared Cache CISTER-TR-181124 
Muhammad Ali Awan, Konstantinos Bletsas, Pedro F. Souto, Benny Åkesson, Eduardo Tovar28, Apr, 2017.
Worst-Case Bound Analysis for the Time-Critical MAC behaviors of IEEE 802.15.4e CISTER-TR-170406 
Harrison Kurunathan, Ricardo Severino, Anis Koubâa, Eduardo Tovar2017.
Data Gathering Approach in Dense Sensor Networks HURRAY-TR-121003 
Maryam Vahabi, Eduardo Tovar12, Oct, 2012.
Inter-application Redundancy Elimination in Sensor Networks with Compiler-Assisted Scheduling VG-CAS-11 
Vikram Gupta, Eduardo Tovar, Karthik Lakshmanan, Raj Rajkumar16, Jun, 2011.
Nano-CF: A Coordination Framework for Macro-programming in Wireless Sensor Networks HURRAY-TR-110110 
Vikram Gupta, Junsung Kim, Aditi Pandya, Karthik Lakshmanan, Raj Rajkumar, Eduardo Tovar28, Jan, 2011.
Scalable and Efficient Data Processing in Networked Control Systems HURRAY-TR-101004 
Aida Ehyaei, Eduardo Tovar, Nuno Pereira8, Oct, 2010.
Implementing Slot-Based Task-Splitting Multiprocessor Scheduling HURRAY-TR-100504 
Paulo Baltarejo Sousa, Björn Andersson, Eduardo Tovar16, May, 2010.
Estimating the Number of Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks HURRAY-TR-060702 
Björn Andersson, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo Tovar1, Oct, 2009.IPP-HURRAY Technical Report - TR-060702, Updated October 2009
Competitive Analysis of Partitioned Scheduling on Uniform Multiprocessors HURRAY-TR-061101 
Björn Andersson, Eduardo Tovar1, Nov, 2006.
Collision-Free Prioritized Medium Access in the Presence of Hidden Nodes Without Relying on Out-of-Band Signaling HURRAY-TR-060605 
Björn Andersson, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo Tovar1, Nov, 2006.
Delay-Bounded Medium Access for Unidirectional Wireless Links HURRAY-TR-060701 
Björn Andersson, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo Tovar1, Jul, 2006.
On the Performance Limits of Slotted CSMA/CA in IEEE 802.15.4 for Broadcast Transmissions in Wireless Sensor Networks HURRAY-TR-060401 
Ye-Qiong Song, Anis Koubâa, Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar1, Apr, 2006.
Collision-Free Prioritized Medium Access Control in Wireless Networks with Hidden Nodes HURRAY-TR-060201 
Björn Andersson, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo Tovar1, Feb, 2006.
Energy/Delay Trade-off of the GTS Allocation Mechanism in IEEE 802.15.4 for Wireless Sensor Networks HURRAY-TR-060103 
Anis Koubâa, Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar1, Jan, 2006.
GTS Allocation Analysis in IEEE 802.15.4 for Real-Time Wireless Sensor Networks HURRAY-TR-051204 
Anis Koubâa, Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar1, Dec, 2005.
A Real-Time Sensor Network Architecture with Power-Efficient Resource Reservation in IEEE 802.15.4 HURRAY-TR-050801 
Anis Koubâa, Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar1, Aug, 2005.
IEEE 802.15.4 for Wireless Sensor Networks: A Technical Overview HURRAY-TR-050702 
Anis Koubâa, Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar1, Jul, 2005.
Timing Analysis of a Multiple Logical Ring Wired/Wireless PROFIBUS Network HURRAY-TR-0414 
Luis Lino Ferreira, Eduardo Tovar1, Apr, 2004.
Ethernet-based Systems: Contributions to the Holistic Analysis HURRAY-TR-0415 
Nuno Pereira, Eduardo Tovar1, Apr, 2004.
From Simulation to Statistical Analysis: Timeliness Assessment of Ethernet/IP-based Distributed Systems HURRAY-TR-0416 
Nuno Pereira, Luis Miguel Pinho, Eduardo Tovar1, Apr, 2004.
Timeliness in COTS Factory-Floor Distributed Systems: What Role for Simulation? HURRAY-TR-0409 
Nuno Pereira, Luis Miguel Pinho, Eduardo Tovar1, Mar, 2004.
Models of Ethernet/IP Devices HURRAY-TR-0314 
Nuno Pereira, Luis Miguel Pinho, Eduardo Tovar1, Dec, 2003.
Engineering Real-Time Distributed Applications with RFieldbus HURRAY-TR-0305 
Sandra Machado, Mário Alves, Luis Miguel Pinho, Eduardo Tovar1, May, 2003.
Implementation of the Manufacturing Automation Field Trial: Current Status HURRAY-BTR-0202 
Luis Miguel Pinho, Eduardo Tovar1, Jul, 2002.
Specification of the Manufacturing Automation Field Trial HURRAY-BTR-0131 
Veríssimo Brandão Lima, Filipe Pacheco, Mário Alves, Luis Miguel Pinho, Eduardo Tovar1, Dec, 2001.
A Framework for Realistic Real-Time Walkthroughs in a VR Distributed Environment HURRAY-TR-0125 
Hans Hansson, Peter Altenbernd, Filipe Pacheco, Eduardo Tovar1, May, 2001.
R-Fieldbus Data Link Layer Specification HURRAY-TR-0117 
Athanassios Kalogeras, Heiko Adamczyk, P. Krogel, Josef Luttenbacher, Klaus Roether, Roland Heidel, Thomas Huang, Axel Poschmann, Joerg Hähniche, Gerhard Hammer, Lutz Rauchhaupt, Filipe Pacheco, Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar1, Apr, 2001.
R-Fieldbus Higher Layer Specification HURRAY-TR-0116 
Thomas Huang, Athanassios Kalogeras, Lutz Rauchhaupt, Josef Luttenbacher, Klaus Roether, Filipe Pacheco, Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar, Francisco Vasques1, Mar, 2001.
A Survey of Techniques and Technologies for Web-Based Real-Time Interactive Rendering HURRAY-TR-0108 
Eduardo Tovar, Filipe Pacheco1, Mar, 2001.
Basic Multimedia Functionalities for R-Fieldbus HURRAY-BTR-0007 
Athanassios Kalogeras, Peter Speckmeier, Filipe Pacheco, Luis Lino Ferreira, Eduardo Tovar1, Aug, 2000.R-Fieldbus project internal technical report.
Basic Mobility Functionalities for R-Fieldbus HURRAY-BTR-0008 
Matthias Kutschenreuter, Berta Batista, Athanassios Kalogeras, Luis Lino Ferreira, Eduardo Tovar1, Aug, 2000.R-Fieldbus project internal technical report.
R-Fieldbus System Architecture: Contributions to the Discussion HURRAY-TR-0009 
Luis Lino Ferreira, Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar1, Jun, 2000.
Multimedia in Industrial-Related Environments HURRAY-TR-0005 
Filipe Pacheco, Eduardo Tovar1, May, 2000.
The EN50170 as an Enabling Platform for R-Fieldbus HURRAY-TR-0006 
Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar, Francisco Vasques1, May, 2000.
Assessment of Mobility Protocols HURRAY-TR-0007 
Luis Lino Ferreira, Berta Batista, Matthias Kutschenreuter, Eduardo Tovar1, May, 2000.
Dependability Aspects in WorldFIP HURRAY-BTR-0006 
Mário Alves, Francisco Vasques, Eduardo Tovar1, May, 2000.R-Fieldbus project internal technical report.
Main Characteristics of the Profibus Data Link Layer HURRAY-TR-0017 
Salvatore Monforte, Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar, Francisco Vasques1, May, 2000.Internal technical report related to project R-Fieldbus.
Dependability Aspects in Profibus Layers 1/2 HURRAY-TR-0018 
Salvatore Monforte, Francisco Vasques, Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar1, May, 2000.Internal technical report related to Project R-Fieldbus.
Segmentation Aspects in Profibus HURRAY-TR-0019 
Salvatore Monforte, Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar, Francisco Vasques1, May, 2000.Internal technical report related to Project R-Fieldbus.
Real-Time and Dependability Requirements in R-Fieldbus HURRAY-TR-0010 
Mário Alves, Luis Miguel Pinho, Eduardo Tovar, Francisco Vasques1, Apr, 2000.
Comments on the R-Fieldbus User Requirements Questionnaire HURRAY-TR-0008 
Filipe Pacheco, Luis Lino Ferreira, Mário Alves, Luis Miguel Pinho, Eduardo Tovar, Francisco Vasques1, Mar, 2000.
R-Fieldbus - Manufacturing Automation Field Trial HURRAY-BTR-0001 
Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar1, Mar, 2000.R-Fieldbus project internal technical report.
R-Fieldbus - Report on Petrogal User Questionnaire HURRAY-BTR-0002 
Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar1, Mar, 2000.R-Fieldbus project internal technical report.
R-Fieldbus - Multimedia User Requirements HURRAY-BTR-0004 
Mário Alves, Filipe Pacheco, Eduardo Tovar1, Mar, 2000.R-Fieldbus project internal technical report.
Ethernet Goes Real-Time: a Survey on Research and Technological Developments HURRAY-TR-0001 
Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar, Francisco Vasques1, Jan, 2000.
Emerging technologies: Ethernet Goes Real­time HURRAY-BTR-9902 
Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar1st Dear-COTS Workshop. 1, Oct, 1999. Porto, Portugal.
Luis Lino Ferreira, Mário Alves, Luis Miguel Pinho, Eduardo TovarISEP Workshop. 1, Sep, 1999. Porto, Portugal.
Hard Real-Time Communications in Fieldbus Networks: a Survey HURRAY-TR-9923 
Filipe Pacheco, Eduardo Tovar, Francisco Vasques1, Aug, 1999.
Schedulability Analysis of Tasks in Single Processor Systems: Review of Relevant Work HURRAY-TR-9913 
Eduardo Tovar1, Apr, 1999.
Real-time Communications with Fieldbus Networks: Review of Relevant Work HURRAY-TR-9914 
Eduardo Tovar1, Apr, 1999.
Factory Communications: On the Configuration of the WorldFIP Bus Arbitrator Table HURRAY-TR-9909 
Eduardo Tovar, Francisco Vasques1, Mar, 1999.